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The boys were already standing in the bathroom

Paul carefully undressed Richard and then himself, carefully washed Richard and washed his hair.

When the boys were washed, Richard limped naked into the bedroom, Paul walking by his side.

"Richard, I need to bandage your chest with something.. it looks terrible.."

Paul said and ran off to get the bandages, meanwhile Richard sat on the bed and just kept silent.. he wanted to be calm.. he wanted to shout out how much pain he was enduring.. but he couldn't.. When Paul came back he started wrapping his chest.

"tell me if it hurts Richard okay?"

"yeah.. Its okay.."*Richard said

"Rich, I know you're not the happiest and you'd rather send everyone to hell, but I'm so glad I can be here with you now."*Paul said lovingly

Richard just smiled and shook his head

"Ah Paul.. finally we are alone.. you don't know how much I wanted to be with you.."

Richard said, caressing Paul's cheek

After Paul's care, Richard lay down on the bed and relaxed. He and Paul were still naked. Paul lay down next to Richard and stroked his hair

Richard started to kiss Paul, Paul didn't resist but interrupted him for a moment

"I love you.. but you should rest and preferably sleep" *Paul said worriedly

"Darling, I didn't let myself be operated on alive just to go to sleep" *Richard chuckled

Richard wanted to make the evening pleasant, but Paul was too responsible and did not allow himself to be intoxicated by Richard's charm

"Not today Richard, you know you don't have the strength for it, I'd rather wait until you have the strength, what do you think?" *Paul smiled

"Paulie you know I'd love to feel you more.. You know what I mean.."

"I know Rich, trust me we will enjoy it when a better time comes do you agree?" *Paul smiled

"hmm, if my chest didn't hurt that much, I would fuck you like never before" *Richard to laughed

Paul just rolled his eyes and gave Richard a kiss

"If my ass will hurt.. you will see" *Paul smiled

"but remember, since when are you so soft Paul. You'll survive, don't worry"*Richard winked

"I haven't softened, but your ass can easily hurt too. You forgot that I'm a man too"*Paul replied with a laugh

"I'd like to see that"*Richard smiled

"you can" said Paul

"Then show me right now" *Richard said with passion

"you're smart but I'm smarter, Nothing will happen Rich I said no for today"* He stroked Richard's cheek

"But Paul... Comon.. just a quick lap.."*Richard begged

"Hmm.. Richard I don't know, do you deserve it?" *asked paul slilly

"Well.. I don't know.. but I would like to" *Said a disappointed Richard

But Paul didn't want a disappointed partner so he started stroking his belly with his hand. Richard somehow ignored it until Paul lowered his hand. Richard looked at Paul confused but he just smiled lovingly. Paul carefully took Richard's cock in his hand and began massaging it.

 Life of sadness 18+Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora