And now what ?

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Next morning

Richard woke up first because he was still in pain, he can't really sleep at night because of it. Richard was awake and he watched the time on the clock it was exactly 5:27am. Paul was sleeping on the chair with his head resting on Richard's bed, Richard felt bad about his pain and waked up Paul

"Paul.." *Richard whispered

"Paul wake up.." *Richard said again

Paul slowly started to wake up and looked at Richard

"Good morning my dear.." *Paul said quietly and smiled

Paul placed a kiss on Richard's forehead and caressed his cheek, Richard smiled at Paul and whispered

"Paul please can you help me get up, I really need a cigarette.." *Richard begged

"Richard.. what the.. you.. ahh.." *Paul was speechless, he had known Richard for a long time and knew that he just needed to have a cigarette even though he had cancer

"Be quiet please, I don't want to wake them up" *Richard looked at Khira and Till

"okay then, I'll help you" *Paul said

Paul slowly started to lift Richard up and he just hissed in pain as Paul lifted Richard up completely and Richard was on his feet leaning on the grip holder which he had attached to his vein on arm

"Are you okay..?" *Paul asked

"Yea.." *Richard responded with pain in his voice

Paul was holding Richard who was putting on his shoes and was still wearing the sweatshirt and bloody pants from yesterday Richard went to the hanger where he left the jacket with the cigarettes in it and went out of the room with Paul

"Ok Paul, there is an exit to the parking lot in the back of the corridor, doctors go there to smoke, but if we go a little around the corner it will be fine" * Richard said as he leaned against Paul and held his drip holder

"Richard..? May I ask? How are you feeling right now..?" *Paul asked a little sadly

"It could be better" *Richard was trying to make a joke

"Seriously Richard.." *Paul said seriously

"Well.. I feel horrible pain with every step or a breath, I feel kinda depressed about yesterday. I felt agony for an hour. How do you think I feel?"*Richard said confused

"Sorry Reesh about yesterday, you wanted us to stop and we continued.. I feel terrible for that.."*Paul apologized

"Let's not talk about it anymore, it's behind us. You better come have a fucking cigarette with me" *Richard smiled

Richard knew Paul was sensitive so he didn't want to complain too much even though he had a lot to say. When the boys arrived outside it was still dark but it was dawning, Paul took out his cigarette first and quickly lit it, Richard was left in shock, he didn't know Paul like this, He also lit a light and sat down carefully on the bench

"Are you okay? Since when have you been smoking?" *Richard asked Paul

"ever since I cut you alive with the boys." *He said monotonously

"Paul I know it must have been a terrible sight and believe me it hurt even worse but it's gone. I'm here and alive." *Reesh smiled

"You don't get it Reesh.. you could die, I had to hold you.. you were crying.. you begged us to stop.. you were in agony and.." Here Richard interrupted him

"Paul stop it.. I am good. I get it, I understeand you I know this feeling in similiar way. But look at me, i am here alive and you helped me to be alive. I know that you never wanted to hurt me. Okay? So chill its not big deal"* Richard said calmly

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