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Richard woke up first because He can't sleep well.. the nurse come to check on him in 5am and told him that he need some sleep. But he don't listen..

"Hey Paul.. Are you awake..? Richard ask Paul nicely

Paul slept like a baby so he just moaned


Richard just shook his head and started to think about what Paul said last night to him.

" what do I do.. Now Khira and Merlin know everything.. Richard you motherfucker.. you should kill yourself better.. *He told him self with pain in his voice.

After some time the nurse came to him again and Paul finally wake up.

"Mr. Kruspe we need to do some tests if everything is working like its supossed to do so in 30minutes get ready thank you. Nurse told Richard And left.

"Good morning Richie, how are you feel?
*Paul asks nicely

"Yea, good.. I guess.. * Richard knew that Paul don't want hear some bad news so he lied again.

After 30 minutes the nurse walked to his room with Dr Walter and asks Paul to wait outside. Richard was in room just with nurse and Walter.

"Good morning Richard.. I am Walter, I think Till told you about me so call me just Walter. And I have some questions for you so first of all. Are you ready? For the tests..?

"Morning.. Yea Till mentoined you sometimes so yea I know you I Guess.. but the tests.. I need to tel you something.. some months back I feel shitty And I went to doctor.. He told me i have lung cancer.. I have like 4 years to live..

" yea he contact us we know that, He saw you in the media that you're here so he send us your Hospital card. We can do operation, you don't need chemotherapy in this state of cancer so.. what do you think..? Walter asked

Richard just looked at Walter and didn't know what he should say.

"I need some time to think Walter.. we can start with these tests.. but can I see Paul just for a moment..?

"Of course but if you wanna be done early, hurry up okay? Walter said calmly and Richard smiled.

Walter let Paul to Richards room And left them alone.

"Paul please call my family that I am awake. Tell them that I have something to talk about with them.. you can call just Khira and Merlin.. And the boys of course. They can come after lunch now I need to go do some tests..

"No problem Reesh I will call them.. And good luck my boy. *Paul smiled And give Richard long kiss and huged him tightly.

Richard was taken for tests and Paul called Richard's children.

Paul's pov

Richard has just been taken for tests and Paul has an important job to do.. get his kids to the hospital after lunch.

Paul took Richard's phone and called through it because he didn't have a number for Khira or Merlin. He called Khira first. When she picked it up he heard.

"Hi dad! Are you okay..?? Khira said happily

"Hallo Khira here Is Paul.. Your dad is having tests right now and he told me to call you.. Paul said sadly

"Ah.. hi Paul is dad ok..?

"yeah, he's fine, they're just going to do some tests.. and he'd like to see you and Merlin after lunch, I could pick you up if you have time.

" yea of course, so what about 12:30 can you pick me up?

"Yea no problem but.. Khira prepare your self for some News okay..?

 Life of sadness 18+Where stories live. Discover now