after incident

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Richard was alone.. He was thinking about Paul.. He wanted him.. He was everything to him.. Richard have a picture of Paul on table when they were Young.


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Paulie.. we were best friends for so long
but i always feelt something for you..

Richard just looked sadly at the photo and sighed. After a few minutes, he turned on the radio so he wouldn't feel so alone and went to the balcony to light a cigarette. He thought about life and children and ex-girlfriends. Then sadness overcame him and Richard went in search of some alcohol. After a while of searching he found tequila and within half an hour the bottle was empty. Richard was overcome with emotion and began to destroy everything around him and start screaming.

"Fuck everything! Fuck the damn love! Fuck my damn life!" *He screamed in agony*

After five minutes he burst into tears, sat on the couch and blamed himself for everything. If Richard refused Paul none of this would have happened.. After a few hours, Richard fell asleep sitting on the couch.


When Richard woke up he was sick and the first thing he did was throw up on the spot. But he didn't notice that Oliver was sitting next to him with disappointment in his eyes.

"What are you doing here Oliver?"*Richard said exhausted*

"I was supposed to take you to see Paul, but as I can see you can't even walk.."

"I can walk!" *Richard shouted and stood up, but with the first step he fell to the ground*

Oliver just sighed and dragged Richard into the bathroom and took off his puke shirt, then rinsed him with water and dragged him to bed. Richard did not defend himself, he knew very well that Oliver was right, the only thing Richard could do was.

'Please tell him that I love him"

Oliver nodded and left the bedroom. When he saw the vomited ground and the broken photo of Paul and Richard, he felt sorry for him and started to clean up the mess. As soon as he was done, he went to see Richard.

"Richard how are you?"

Richard woke up and sat on the bed. As soon as he remembered everything, he burst into tears. Oliver sat down next to him and hugged him.

"Richard, I know it's hard for you, but alcohol is not the answer.."

"Sorry Olli, I'm just.. I'm having a hard time, I know I'm getting old.. I have childrens.. But the clock is ticking and I don't want to be alone.. I've always felt something for Paul but not that strong and when Paul expresses himself the day he almost dies.. I love him so much and I don't want anyone else anymore.."

Oliver looked at him and said

"Richard you two love each other, Paul is in the hospital.. you have a hangover.. I'd love to take you to see him so you can be with him, can you handle it?"

 Life of sadness 18+Where stories live. Discover now