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Paul fell asleep after a while.

Till's pov

Till was working out in the home gym around 10:30 in the morning when suddenly his cell phone started ringing.


"Hi Till..

"Look who called after years.. Till said sarcastically

"Till now I don't have time for these things, I'm calling you about your friends.

"So what is going on?

"Till.. Paul became aggressive and almost assaulted the nurse. We had to put him to sleep with sedatives. And we can't keep him here when he's so aggressive. We know it's hard for him when Richard died five times today.

"Richard what?!

"Till we are doing what we can and Richard is very weak but he will get special care, Paul's leg is healing quickly but he needs the care of a friend not a doctor right now. Can you pick him up?

"Well, I'll pick up Paul, and please I want to see Richard too.. Walter.. they two are members of my family, take good care of Richard.

"No problem, but pick up Paul before he wakes up okay..

"I'll be on my way in a moment

Till hung up the phone and walked to the car and set off to pick up Paul. When he got into the car he drove as fast as he could when he arrived in front of the hospital he saw someone standing at the main door. It was Walter. Till got out of the car and walked over to Till.

"Hi Till follow me.

Till didn't even look at him and followed him

"Till, we already put Paul in normal clothes He will sleep for another twenty minutes and tell him that I will personally take care of Richard and watch over him.

Walter told him, leading him to Richard first. As Walter led Till down the hall to Richard's room Till didn't even look at him.

"So here is Richard's room, but please don't be alarmed when you see him, it's not a pleasant sight..

Till opened the door and looked at his friend. Richard was lying there on the bed connected to life support machines. He had a cannula stuck in his hand and his chest was wrapped in thermodecks. His thigh was bound and stitched. Richard was still pale but already was starting to have a healthy color.

"Jeez Richard.. Take care and don't worry about Paul I will take good care of him..

Till closed the door to the room and instructed Walter to lead him to Paul. When he arrived at the place, Paul was already waking up slightly.

"Hey Paul, do you want to go on a trip with Uncle Till? *Till was joking, and a listless Paul just nodded his head

"Alright Paul Uncle Till will take care of you *Till laughed

"But what Richard..? murmured Paul

"Don't worry Richard is sleeping let's let him sleep well?

Paul smiled at Till and Till took Paul in his arms as Walter told him and they went to the car, Walter took Paul's things and followed Till.

When Till put Paul on the car seat and buckled his seat belt and closed the door, Walter started talking to Till

"You know Till I'm sorry for what happened years ago.. and I'm sorry for what happened now with your friends..
I would like to see you again sometime..

"And you're telling me that now when my friend is slowly dying..?

"Till, I will take care of your friend as best I can. And I'm sorry for what happened between me and you.. now leave with Paul and I'll go take care of Richard.

As Walter finished he turned and walked back to the hospital.

"Walter, stay!..

"Hm? *Walter turned

"Thank you, take good care of Reesh.

"I will Till no worries.
Walter smiled and left.

Till got into the car next to Paul and started it, when he started it he looked at Paul who was sleeping on the seat next to him because he was still tired from not sleeping at night. Till drove Paul to his house and there he carried him to bed and let him sleep.

Richard's pov

Three days after Richard's accident

Richard was in poor condition and was in an induced coma. Meanwhile, he had a dream. It was about Paul and him.

He dreamed about Paul stroking his hair, He dreamed that he was lying in his arms with him. He did not know that he was in a coma and did not disturb what was to come.

Paul's pov

Paul started to wake up and it was already evening, he woke up in Till's bed.

"Aaah, good morning Paul *Till smiled

"Till why the fuck am I lying in your bed, where is Richard? I have to go see him! *Paul said carefully

"Paul stay down Richard is resting in hospital and you should too and now if you'll excuse me I'd like to change your bandage *He smiled

Paul nodded and Till started changing his bandage

"Hey Till..? Can I ask?

"Of course Paul. *A focused Till replied

"Till.. I always liked Richard.. Why did he want to kill himself.. and leave me here.. and why didn't he tell anyone about his addiction..

"Paul, I don't know.. but if you didn't know Richard's favorite place, he wouldn't be with us anymore. Now he is safe and has a doctor from he will receive special care. Richard thought he was on his own, but he has me, you and our entire Rammstein family. We'll get him back on his feet, don't worry Paul.
*Till said thoughtfully

But Paul began to sob, and then tears streamed down his cheeks

Till felt sorry for Paul and sat next to him on the bed and hugged him, stroking his back and resting his chin on Paul's shoulder.

"Paul It's okay, don't worry about Richard. Now and here you have me and now I'll take care of you. You need it too, Paul.

Paul hugged Till back and after half an hour fell asleep in Till's arms. Till fell asleep for a few minutes, but after an hour and a half he was woken up by the phone. Only Till woke up but Paul stayed asleep in Till's arms but Till had to lay Paul next to him on the bed.


"what's up walter?

"Hi Till I have good news and bad news for you..

"Well, what kind of? Till ask

"Richard is stabilized and will live but.. We had to put him in an artificial coma.. Because his brain was not oxygenated for a long time in that incident.. He can wake up in a day, a month, maybe even a year or even years.. Don't tell Paul, when Paul accepts the fact that Richard may be gone for a long time you can tell him.. but not now. And Till, I'll do everything I can to wake him up..

"Well thanks for the information Walter. I'll go to see Richard tomorrow? Wait for me outside his room okay? I'm going to sleep now, so for now bye *then He hang up the phone

And he fell asleep again.

 Life of sadness 18+Where stories live. Discover now