the illegal shift

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Richard's pov

when he hung up on Paul, Walter was already standing in the room with other doctors

"Alright Richard we're going to have to take your shirt off" *Walter said

"Well.. okay.." *Richard had no idea what was going on

When they took off his shirt, a young sister came into the room, who probably knew Richard from concerts, when she saw Richard without a shirt, you could see that she was a big fan of him. Meanwhile Walter was touching Richard's chest the nurse gave Richard a little piece of paper. Richard took it in his hand and smiled at her, Walter asked Richard if it hurt, Richard said yes and answered more questions.

"Okay Richard I have to arrange a free x-ray it will take about fifteen minutes, the nurse will take care of you in the meantime" *Walter said and left

Richard just nodded and read the piece of paper the nurse handed him, there was a phone number on it, the nurse standing by the door came closer to Richard

"You're the guitarist from Rammstein, aren't you?" *She asked

*yes I am, my name is Richard" * He smiled at her

"Nice to meet you Richard my name is Alice" *She smiled back

Richard recognized that she was trying to flirt with him but he didn't want to because his heart belonged only to Paul, when she started asking Richard if he had a girlfriend, Richard said

"Look Alice I have lung cancer, I can't be with somebody right now so please stop flirting with me" *Richard said

Alice looked sad but apologized, after a while Walter appeared at the door

"Ok Richard I'm going to take you to the x-ray when we find what I'm afraid I'm going to have to take you to the operating room. Understood?" Walter said

"Yea yea.. Completely.." *Richard responded

When Walter was taking Richard to the x-ray, Richard started to feel dizzy and his chest started to sting Then Richard passed out, only waking up after the X-ray, Walter waited at Richard's the whole time because it was urgent When Richard woke up, Walter immediately told him what he was most afraid of

"Richard, we have a problem, you have water in your lungs and the tumor has grown quite a bit since last time.. I have to take you back but we will have to do it illegally.. you still have heroin in your blood but if I don't operate on you now the results can be fatal.." * Walter said seriously..

Richard was shocked

"Walter, you're going to risk your career because I'm a dick?.."

"Richard you're my ex's friend and that's all, I can't let you die just because you're a bitch, I know you mean a lot to Till he told me about you many times, he likes you and I can't leave you in this. We'll do it this way, unfortunately nobody goes to the operating rooms around eleven in the evening, I'll have to pump the water out of your lungs... and then I'll have to operate on you but I can't do this alone I need someone who can hold you because It's nothing comfy.. what about Paul?"

"Walter, you can't do that, and what do you mean you need someone strong? And Paul don't have time He Is with my daughter."

"Richard, I will have to insert a tube through your neck to your lungs, you will not be numbed.. I have to do all this without sedation, then when I can operate you under sedation, unfortunately only mild ones.. So I'm going to have to cut open your lungs with just a little numbing.."

"Are you crazy?! I'm not going to do that!" *A frightened Richard screamed

"Ok Richard, if we don't do it tonight we can do it in a week, just be aware that you'll be in excruciating pain by then and you might not survive the surgery. I don't understand how the tumor couldn't bother you." * Walter said confused

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