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Paul went back to Richard's room and when he opened the door he saw Richard talking to Walter. Paul patiently waited for Richard to hear from Walter what was needed and when he finished Paul went to see Richard. Walter looked hopelessly at Paul as he left.

"Richard why did Walter look like he was kicked by a woman? He said curiously

"I don't want to cure my cancer..

"Richard are you kidding me?! Khira needs you Merlin needs you too and you just won't even try to cure the fucking cancer?! You are literally dying.. Why are you doing this..

Richard looked at Paul in surprise and then immediately at the ground..

"I.. I think it will be better that way..

"Richard. From now on I decide for you what is best for you.. didn't you see how happy your children were when they saw you? You are blind or something?

"Paul I just don't want to live.. please understeand me..

"ok and how are you going to tell the boys. *Paul said angrily

"I don't know..

"Well, if you don't know, I'll tell them myself.. Paul said

" Please don't tell them..

"And why not? They'll find out anyway.. Richard you are breaking my heart.. since when are you like this.. what is happening to you..

Richard felt guilty

"okay.. Paul I have a week to decide if they will treat me. I want to be with you forever and you know it Paul..

"So you will want to get healed..?

"Yea.. for you and for my kids..

Paul saw that Richard was sad and depressed.. Paul knew that Richard was going through a difficult time and that's why he sat with him on the bed and hugged him tightly and put his hand on his head. Richard hugged him and said.

"I'm sorry for all the drama Paul.. we're going home in two days.. I'll make it up to you.. but understand I feel depressed.. *Richard said sadly

'Richie, I'll do what I can for you, I'll sing for you and even play the guitar.. I'll cook for you, I'll take care of you..

"Please Paul I'm not a child, I'm a grown man and I'm over 40 years old. But I appreciate it.* He smiled

Paul and Richard chatted and after a few hours it was time to go to bed. Paul fell asleep on the small bed with Richard when Walter came to check on him that night. He just smiled and told everyone to leave them alone. At night Paul woke up because he had a nightmare about Richard dying that night. He woke up all sweaty with tears in his eyes, but when he saw Richard lying next to him, he immediately started caressing his hips. Paul was in tears and sobbing because he was worried about Richard and that woke Richard up.

"Paul, is something wrong??* He said with a sleepy voice

"No, no I am fine I was just thirsty*Paul tried to lie

But Richard knew Paul very well and knew what was going on. for that he turned to him and said

"Paul don't worry I'm here come here.

Richard didn't hesitate and offered Paul a place on his chest, there Paul lay down and Richard put his arms around him and stroked his back.

'I'll always be here for you Paul.

Richard said with a smile because he knew how Paul felt, so he was soothing him with kisses on his head. Paul just sobbed quietly for a moment and then fell asleep on Richard's chest. But Richard couldn't sleep, so he focused on Paul and his breathing. He noticed Paul like never before.. he knew that Paul was his love and he had to take care of him at least mentally. That's why he caressed him gently all the time. Until morning.

In the morning, the boys woke up and all day they were in the room together, waiting for tomorrow morning to go home. As they were about to go to bed, Flake called Paul on his cell phone.

"Hi Flake what's up? "Paul asks

"Hallo Paul, Khira stopped by us today in our studio and asked us how we accepted the fact that Richard has lung cancer. When was Richard going to tell us?..

Paul froze and looked at Richard

"what's up? Richard asked

"They know it.. *Paul said looking at Richard

"What do they know? *Richard asks curiously

Paul just looked at Richard and handed him the phone

"Hi Flake this is Richard what's up?

"why didn't you tell us you have a cancer..

Richard looked at Paul and Paul understood that he should leave him alone

"Flake, I wanted to tell you.. but it's not easy for me.. when you already know.. I dont have to say anything.. please just.. I Will explain this to you later.. sorry Flake.. *immediately Richard hung up and didn't even let Flake say goodbye to him

Richard didn't know what to do, he wasn't even crying anymore. He just stared blankly and regretted that he got into this situation..

“Richie? Are you done yet? *Paul called from behind the door.

"Yea yea.. I am done..

Paul walked to Richard's room and noticed that Richard was having a hard time again, Paul sat on the bed behind Richard and put his legs around his waist and put Richard on his body.Richard just closed his eyes and let Paul caress him.

"Tomorrow we go home Richard, no more Hospital just you and me * Paul smiled

"Just you and me.. *Richard whispered

They both fell asleep within an hour and as time passed it was already the next day and Richard was supposed to go home with Paul. The boys agreed that Paul would move in with Richard for a while and before they knew it they were on their way home from the hospital.

 Life of sadness 18+Where stories live. Discover now