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Felix was never one to notice specific things about people but there was just something about Changbin that made Felix curious. The way he could feel eyes on the back of his neck, somehow knowing that it was the black haired male. What made Felix so interesting to look at? Sure he was a male with purple hair but there were lots of Korean men with dyed hair so what made him so interesting? Felix mumbled to himself before getting out of bed, changing into something that wasn't his pyjamas and walking down the steps of his apartment building,  making his way towards the river. Nothing in hand, Felix just sat, letting the swish of the water calm him and clear his mind. It wasn't long before he felt a presence beside him.

"Yah Felix, what are you doing here?"

"It's Felix hyung you brat." The younger one just smiled wider, eyes disappearing and his dimples showing.

"Okay Felix hyung," the boy exaggerated. "What are you doing here?"

"Just thinkin," Felix replied.

"Oh yeah? About what?"


"Whats nunya–"

"Nunya business," Felix laughed.

"Yah! Fuck you!"

"I should be saying that Yang Jeongin! Stop swearing!"

"Hyung I'm twenty-two! I'm allowed to swear."

"No you're not, you're still a baby." Jeongin just rolled his eyes.

"Stop rolling your eyes at me you rascal!" Felix shouted, making a move to pinch the younger's sides, tickling him in the process as they rolled around on the grass.

Above them, a certain raven haired boy watched the pair from his window. They look close, he thought to himself, not taking his eyes off the scene for a second. He only dragged his eyes away when he heard a sharp rap on his door.

"Changbin? Open the door, it's me!" He heard from outside.

Opening the door he stared blankly.


"Jesus Changbin, all I want is a nice greeting for once but you sound like a zombie every time I so much as breathe in your direction," Chan whined.

"Well maybe don't breathe and I won't sound like a zombie," Changbin retorted.

"Whatever," Chan huffed, walking past Changbin and jumping on his bed. "Still have nothing to do in this house of yours?"

"If you're so desperate for something to do, why come here? Couldn't you have gone and bothered Jisung or someone?"

"Nah, he's too busy with Minho at the moment. They just moved into a new place together so they're still trying to get everything sorted and packed away. I'd just be a distraction."

"Wow you're becoming self aware of your own annoying-ness."

"What did I do to deserve having such a disrespectful friend," Chan spoke to himself, pretending to sob into his jumper. "He never uses hyung for me, never drinks away from me, never invites me over."

"Yah! What's the point of inviting you over when you do it enough on your own anyway," Changbin looked at Chan in disbelief.

"I'm trying to be distraught over here! Give a man some time to mourn!"

Changbin rolled his eyes and moved to the window, resting his head upon the cool glass.

"Anyway, how's it going with your lover boy?" Chan asked innocently, moving his gaze from the ceiling to Changbin. .


"That guy you keep staring at through the window."

"He is not my lover boy! I don't stare at him and I don't even know anything about him. I haven't even spoken to him for god's sake."

"Yeah yeah excuses, excuses," Chan said, joining him by the window, peering down and seeing the two boys huddled up on the grass, now sitting up and talking together, laughing at random times.

"Ah, I see he has a friend with him." Chan pet his shoulder. "Sorry buddy but you made your move too late and he's already taken. What a shame."

Chan faked sympathy as he joked, laughing at Changbin's wide eyes and open mouth.

"Christopher Bang Chan! Fuck you!"

"Anyway, you don't work tomorrow and neither do I so we're going out tonight. Get dressed and I swear to god if I see you wearing black I'll strangle you."

Changbin rolled his eyes before mumbling a quiet whatever as he left to change.

As much as he didn't like to show it, Changbin loved Chan a lot and his incessant pestering actually helped Changbin be more social and outgoing. Jisung helped too but Changbin was much closer with Chan as they had been friends longer. Discarding the sentimental thought from his mind and fitting into some clean pants as well as throwing a green sweater over his turtleneck, he was ready to go, awaiting the long night ahead of him.

For that fleeting moment, he had forgotten all about the purple-haired boy.

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