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As Felix walked out to breakfast with Changbin and upon seeing the rest of them, he realised that the other couples had the same ideas as them.

"Did y'all–?


"Ruh roh."

Purple bruises sneaked past sweaters and turtlenecks as they all exchanged laughs, talking shamelessly about their nights.

"And then Chan–."

"And we're gonna stop talking now Innie," Chan interrupted, throwing a hand over Jeongin's mouth to save himself from embarrassment.

Felix set up his video camera so everyone was in frame. The group all sat down as they waited for their food. Before long, the waiter brought over their food and the boys let out a loud cheer, hushed by Chan. Hyunjin instantly moved to take the lobster from in front of Minho who shot him a glare. Jeongin helped himself to the rice while Chan put some meat on top of it for the younger to eat. 

"Thanks Channie!" Jeongin smiled after getting a pat on the head from the older.

"So today," Felix started. "I wanted to have a chill day in the hotel considering, uh, possible soreness. So they have a pool and the gym and stuff to do so yeah. Have fun!"

They all decided what they wanted to do. Changbin and Chan wanted to go to the gym while the rest of the boys decided to go swimming. Changbin wanted to have a little catchup with Chan so it was a good idea.

"So," Changbin said when they started stretching. "How's it going with Innie?"

"Actually really good. He's so adorable and he's got the funniest laugh and he makes me really happy."

"That's good Chan, I'm happy for you."
"What about you and Felix?"

"Yeah we're great. It's weird though, I feel like he's hiding something from me though. He feels like he's holding his breath around me sometimes and he's always on the phone. I don't think he's cheating or anything."

"Yeah? What do you think it is?"

"I don't know but I'm worried."

"Maybe talk to him about it?"

"Yeah I will."

The pair continued to work out for a while before joining the others in the pool. Throwing off their shirts, they jumped in and swam over to the group. Chan, hidden beneath the water, grabbed Jeongin's legs and lifted him onto his shoulders as the younger screamed.

"Shoulder wars!" Jisung yelled trying to climb onto Minho who was adorned in floaties.

"You motherfucker Jisung, I can't swim. I'll get on your shoulders."

"Fine," Jisung huffed, swimming under Minho and lifting the older onto his shoulders. With Jeongin on Chan's shoulders, Hyunjin on Seungmin's, Minho on Jisungs and Felix on Changbin's, the war began. They all made great efforts to knock each other off, splashing water and grabbing onto each other's arms. Hyunjin had Minho in his sights and moved to push his shoulder, instead falling past him in the water, taking Seungmin with him. And with that, the water claimed its first victim.

Three teams remained and they all huddled in the middle, shoving each other, trying to push them off their companions shoulders. When Felix gave Minho an extra hard push, he toppled off Jisung's shoulders who whined as he was forcefully pushed under the water. Two teams left. Chan and Jeongin and Changbin and Felix. Best friend vs best friend.

They wrestled for ages, hands slapping and grabbing against each other's biceps and trying to push the other off. Jeongin bent down and flicked some water into Felix's eyes catching him off guard and allowing the younger to attack, pushing him backwards and off Changbin's shoulders, no matter how hard the older tried to keep him on.

The two victors shared a chaste kiss before rubbing their victory in the other teams' faces.

"We get it! You guys won! Can you shut up now?" Hyunjin whined.
"You're just mad cause you got out first!"

"Not true! Seungmin, back me up!" Seungmin waded in the water behind Hyunjin to put his arms around him, giving him a soft peck on his shoulder. "That is not what I mean but I'll take it."

The group played around for a little longer before getting out, huddled in towels and heading to the showers.

"No funny business guys! I want to have lunch sometime this century," Minho said as they all went into shower stalls in their couple groups.

"Says you hyung! You're probably the most horny," Felix laughed.

"Actually I think you'll find that it's Jinnie," Seungmin spoke, followed by a loud slap and a surprised yelp.

"What do you guys want for lunch?"

"Seungmin shut the fuck up."

What a messy group.

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