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Felix woke up that morning in a cold bed. He was so used to finding Changbin in his bed that it had become instinct to reach out to him and huddle into his chest. He gathered some blankets together, hoping to feel the same comfort as he had the previous week but it was fruitless.

Groaning, he got up and made some breakfast, stopping only to pop some medication in his mouth, washing it down with some apple juice. He still got pretty frequent headaches and he just prayed that it was his lack of sleep and unwillingness to drink water that was causing it. Finishing off his breakfast, he decided to go for a walk. It had been a while since he had gone for a walk by himself. Usually, Jeongin would accompany him and now that he had made friends with Chan , Jisung and Minho, and become lovers with Changbin, he would walk with them if any of them were free.

Swinging a plastic bag over his shoulder, he began his walk, picking up small pieces of litter along the way. Chip packets, cigarette butts, anything he could find was tossed into his bag. He took this moment of solitude to reflect.

The feeling in his gut didn't subside and rather worsened with the sickening feeling. He knew he was sick. He knew his mum had passed on whatever she had onto him. He knew the doctor was wrong in her assumption. He knew there was a tumour growing in his brain and he knew that no treatment would be able to help him.

He felt guilty. He wanted to tell the others, Jeongin and Chan, his best friends and most of all Changbin, the one he had grown so close to within a matter of months but he was afraid. But he would rather his friends be blissfully unaware of his condition than spend the rest of his short life worrying about him and his rapidly deteriorating health. He didn't want that at all. He tossed the nearly full bag of rubbish into a nearby bin and made his way home.

On arrival, he pulled out his laptop and began his search. Plane tickets to Australia. He didn't want to spend his time moping  about his life. He wanted to get out and explore while he was still relatively healthy. While he was in Australia he could visit his dad and sisters again before the inevitable and spend some time with his friends. Who else would want to come? Felix thought. Maybe he would have to ask Changbin about it. Pressing on the boy's number, he waited for the line to connect. 

"Hey Love, what's up," Changbin's deep voice spoke into the phone.

"Hey Bin, are you busy right now?"

"Nope, just falling down a void of YouTube shorts so nothing important. Did you want to come over?"

"Sure! I'll be there in a sec."

"Alright, see you soon."

Felix knocked on Changbin's apartment door, the boy on the other side opening it swiftly and pulling Felix inside for a hug.

"Hey Binnie!" Felix said cheerfully into the other's ear.

"Heya Lix."

"Okay so I know it's really sudden," Felix said, pulling Changbin to the couch, both of them taking a seat before Felix continued. "I want to go visit my family in Australia so I thought maybe we should make it a holiday. I wanted to invite you and the others to go as well. I was gonna pay for all the planes and accommodation and stuff. I just wanted to know who would be willing to go."

"No way Lix! That's so much money! Even just for us!"

"Don't worry Bin, I've been saving since I was 12 for a huge holiday. I want to do this! And it would be great to get closer to some of your friends too, so invite whoever you want!"

Felix was not about to be hindered by money. It's true he'd been saving for a huge holiday since he was young so he had a fair sum of money to spend and now that he may not have the chance to use it again, he was going to use what he had to make the trip of a lifetime for him and his friends.

"Felix are you sure? Because the second I tell Hyunjin he's going to invite everyone under the sun."

"The more the merrier."

"Alright, if you're sure."

Changbin pressed on Hyunjin's name and waited for an answer. On the second last ring, the buzzing of the connection was interrupted by a low groan.

"Bin? What do you want?" Hyunjin's voice sounded through the phone followed by another voice in the background asking who it was. Changbin recognised it as Seungmin's.

"Oh sorry, were you guys busy?" Changbin asked.

A soft whimper echoed through the phone.

"Jesus fucking Christ you guys are fucking! Why the fuck did you pick up the phone?" Changbin yelled before hanging up and throwing his phone to the other side of the room.

"Why me!" He whined, grabbing Felix's attention.

"What happened?"

"They're fucking! God my ears! I need bleach!" Felix laughed at Changbin's overdramatic self. He thought it was quite endearing, the way the boy clutched his head as he ran around the room fake crying.

"I NEVER need to hear that again oh my god. I'm about to start swinging bro, I'm so disgusted."

"It's okay Binnie, we'll call them later. What about Minho and Jisung? I want them to come!"

"Okay sure, give them a call. Wait, you know them?"

"Yeah! I was hanging out with Chan once and he invited them over."

"Damn without me?"

"You were at work!" Felix chuckled.

"Yeah yeah whatever," Changbin rolled his eyes.

Felix called Jisung and he picked up immediately. After hearing about Felix's plan, the older was instantly willing to go and went to tell Minho about the trip who also seemed enthusiastic to go. Of course, nothing was finalised as it was just planning but Felix couldn't help but feel jittery in his chest. Everything would be okay.

About 20 minutes later, Changbin's phone began buzzing on his thigh. The shorter answered it with a scowl.

"Yah, are you guys done now," Changbin glowered.

"Yep yep," Hyunjins voice came through the speaker, followed by a laugh from Seungmin.

"Anyway, Felix was planning a holiday to Australia and wanted to know if you guys wanted to come?"

"No fucking way! Me and Minnie were just talking about planning a holiday somewhere so this is perfect!"

"Yeah I wonder why," Changbin said, rolling his eyes.

"Oh shove off hyung! We all know you lost your virginity before the rest of us so you have no right to shame my sex life!"

"Jin I'm on speaker!"

"Ooh with who? Felix? Hiiii Felix," Hyunjin teased.

"Hi hyung! How are you?"

"Very very good."

"Yeah I bet you are," Changbin interrupted.

"What did I say about the shaming?" Hyunjin laughed through the phone. "Felix, smack him for me."

Hyunjin laughed when Changbin's loud shout came through the phone.

What a comical boy.

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