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Changbin groaned as his alarm blared into his ears. He was surprised he wasn't deaf from it. Rolling over, he grabbed his phone and switched the alarm off before getting out of bed with a stretch. Looking at the time on his phone that read 11:00, he made his way to the bathroom before showering and then getting changed into his work uniform. Grabbing his keys, phone and spraying some deodorant and cologne on, he made his way out the door.

Changbin loved his job at 5 Star. As he walked into the restaurant, he tied his apron around his waist and grabbed a cap from one of the stands, walking behind the counter and into the kitchen.

"Hey Hyunjin, what are the bookings like today?"

Hunjin was the owner of 5 Star and was Changbin's mentor when he had come in for a job 3 and a half years ago.

"We've got three tables of four, and six twos and I think my boyfriend might be coming in as well at some point but he'll just eat in the office."

"Ah okay, thanks for the heads up."

Changbin used his free time to set up his station, working on making sure all the sauces and ingredients were out and ready to be used. As people came through the doors, dockets started appearing through the printer. Changbin tucked the dockets under the lip of his workbench and started working, chopping, grilling, frying, all of it. It was second nature to him, which was weird considering a few years ago he was too frightened to crack an egg, something Hyunjin teased him about to this day. Now he was the head chef of the prestigious restaurant. Focusing back on the food, he plated them up and placed them under the heat lamp to keep them warm.

The waiters and waitresses came to collect them and take them to their respective tables and would occasionally come back with 'compliments to the chef' in which Hyunjin beamed with pride for the older.

"You really have come quite a long way hyung," Hyunjin spoke, nursing his crystal glass, half filled with some type of blue liquor mixer that Changbin didn't recognise. All the customers had left and the restaurant was now closed. The sun was long gone and the moon took its place in the sky.

"Is that Hwang Hyunjin being sentimental?"

The night had gone perfectly. Meals were out within 15 minutes and everyone was satisfied, leaving good tips and promising to return.

"Shut up. But honestly, you could probably open your own restaurant one day 'cause you're that good."

"Stop that," Changbin said, throwing back the rest of his drink. His cheeks reddened. He was really bad at taking compliments. Before anyone could speak again, Hyunjin's boyfriend came and sat with them, taking a seat on the stool next to his partner.

"Yah Jinnie, stop teasing the poor boy, he's so red," Seungmin chuckled.

"Okay okay baby," Hyunjin sighed before giving the boy a peck on the cheek.

"Well I'm off for tonight." Changbin got out of his seat and grabbed his things from the office.

"Bye Hyun, bye Seung."

"Bye hyung!" He heard as the door closed behind him.

He couldn't stop himself from thinking about Felix.

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