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What a great dream, Changbin thought to himself as he awoke. He confessed! He thought the dream might give him a bit of confidence in actually confessing. He opened his eyes and rubbed them with his outstretched hand. His other hand however was trapped next to the headboard. With a glance up, he realised that he was laying on Felix who was sleeping while sitting up, his head carelessly thrown over the top of the headboard, his neck in a stiff looking position that made Changbin cringe.

Getting up, he offered his arms a stretch and lightly shook Felix's shoulder to wake him up. The boy took a while to adjust his neck into a position that didn't make him ache. Opening his eyes, they rested upon Changbin and his lips curved into a sweet smile.

"Morning." God, Felix's morning voice would kill him.

"Morning. Are you hungry?"

"Starving," Felix responded.

"Good, let's go then." Changbin said, grabbing the younger's hand and pulling him down the stairs to where his mum and Chan were talking.

"Morning guys!" Changbin spoke.

"You're in a good mood Binnie, what's got you so happy?"

"Nothing much, just had a really good dream."

Oh my god. Changbin thought it was a dream! Felix thought. Could he get any more adorable?

Felix fawned over the older as they ate, attracting some very obvious stares from Chan. Felix just sent a wink in his direction. A wink that promised him that Felix would explain the situation to Chan later.

After breakfast, Chan pulled Felix aside to chat.

"He thinks it was a dream hyung! I mean, he must've been super tired so it's understandable but still."

"Jesus Christ, what happened? I don't know how much more of this I can take. Can y'all just kiss already? Seriously," Chan whined.

"Calm down, and Changbin confessed last night but he was really out of it. Staring into space and all that. I had to drag him upstairs to bed. "

"I could've had Changlix already?? Nooooo!" Chan whined loudly, attracting the attention of Changbin.

"What's Chan crying about this time?" The older spoke with a roll of his eyes.

"Just being dramatic. Now, what did you want to do today?" Felix asked, walking up to the shorter and throwing his arms around him.

"Hmm, I'm not sure. We could hang out here? Get some snacks and watch movies before we have to leave?"
"Sounds perfect! Chan did you hear that?!"


"Great! You're paying!"

Chan's groan could be heard as the pair ran out the door.

The trio had begun their walk to the shops, Felix skipping happily along while Changbin and Chan lagged behind.

"You know it wasn't a dream right?" Chan spoke quietly enough so that Felix didn't hear him.

"Huh?" Changbin said, shooting him a look of confusion.
"Felix told me. It wasn't a dream. You just passed out. You must've been super tired."

Changbin's world paused for a fleeting second. There's no way. He felt sick, and dizzy and he just needed a second to think. It was nerve wracking to think about. He actually confessed? He must've been drunk on his feelings and high off his lack of sleep to do such a thing without thinking it through first. But Felix didn't seem to mind and rather reciprocated his feelings. How was he going to bring this up?

Changbin let out a loud sigh. What a nightmare.


The small group had made themselves comfortable on Mrs Seo's 2 person couch. All squished together, Changbin felt an immense discomfort and embarrassment upon learning about his shenanigans earlier that morning, all while being pressed up against Felix and Chan. The movie played in the back of his head as he shifted in his seat. He couldn't take this. He mumbled some excuse about going to the bathroom and went to find his mum.

Knocking twice on the door, he heard a come in and opened the door. He moved to his mothers side and layed down, resting his head on her shoulder. Instinctively, she moved to pat his head softly.

"Hey baby, what's up?"

"So basically, I like Felix, and I sort of already confessed but I was super out of it so I didn't remember and I thought it was a dream and Chan told me that Felix told him that it wasn't a dream and now I feel really awkward cause he doesn't know that I know that it wasn't a dream," Changbin finished and inhaled a deep breath.

"Well honey, I think, just tell him again how you feel and see where it goes from there. I'm sure you'll find the right words," Mrs Seo said, knocking her head against his lovingly.

"Thanks mama," Changbin said, tightly hugging her.

"When do you guys have to leave?"
"Pretty soon, I want to get back before dark."

"Ah I see. I'll miss you so much. Maybe I'll have to come visit next time."
"Sounds perfect mum."

He stayed a while more before going downstairs as the movie's credits were rolling.

"Binnie! There you are!" Felix said excitedly, jumping out of his place on the couch to hug the shorter boy yet again.

"Yeah sorry I just wanted to talk to my mum before we leave."

"Ah yeah I forgot we have to leave today. I'm kinda sad we only got the weekend to see your family," Felix said.

"That's okay, I'm sure we'll be back soon enough huh Lix?" Chan spoke up.

"Yeah, and it's getting close to Christmas so I want to come up again for that."
"You better invite me, mister," Felix said to Changbin pointing a finger at him.

"Of course I will, don't tell Chan though or he'll want to come too," Changbin whispered to the younger.

"Yah Seo Changbin I can hear you!"

Changbin waved as Chan got out of the car and walked up to his apartment. It was now Felix and Changbin left, the older not daring to make a sound.

"Do you want to come over to mine tonight?" Felix's voice filled the car. Changbin was nervous about being alone with the boy. He didn't want to mess up and say something in a tired state like he had before. But on the other hand, he didn't want Felix to suspect anything so he agreed.

'Cool! I have ice cream!"

Arriving at Felix's house for the second time was scary. He knew he needed to say something. His lungs were about to burst and his heart pounded against his ribcage. They had just made it inside, Felix tossing his keys on the side table and making his way into the lounge room before Changbin called out to him. Felix stopped in his tracks and turned to face the older.

"What's up?"

"I know." Felix shot him a puzzled look.

"I know it wasn't a dream. Chan told me," Changbin said. "B-but I really do like you, Lix. I'm sorry I didn't say anything sooner, I was just scared because you're so cute and I always got really flustered around you and didn't know how to tell you," Changbin said bashfully, shuffling his slipper-clad feet on the wooden floor.

"Aw Binnie~," Felix cooed at the elder, engulfing him in a tight hug. "That's okay. I'm glad you got the courage to tell me. I like you too and I wanted to thank you for always being by my side."

"Of course Lix, always."

"Can...Can I kiss you?" Felix said softly as he pulled away from the hug, making Changbin smile shyly and nod. Felix brought his hand up to Changbin's neck, pulling him into a tender kiss. Changbin responded by cupping the younger's face, rubbing his thumb over the freckles that adorned his face, the very ones that Changbin had grown to treasure. There were no fireworks or extravagant explosions of colour, just the warmth of Felix's lips on his own mingled with the coolness of the jewellery that was placed in the middle. He felt the soft caressing of fingertips on his nape and a feeling of being home.

What a wonderful feeling.

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