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It was now August. Four months since Felix and Changbin first talked. Sure they had kept talking and were somewhat friends, but seeing Felix, purple hair and all, in front of his door was not what Changbin had expected on a Saturday morning, nevertheless at 7am. Rubbing his eyes, he squinted.
"Felix? What are you doing here?"

"I'm bored," Felix shrugged as if it was the most obvious thing.

"It's literally the ass crack of dawn. How are you awake right now?"

"Eh, I don't know. I couldn't sleep."

"So you thought to come here? Basically a complete stranger's house?"

"It's been four months, I basically know everything about you. There's no way you still see us as strangers," Felix snorted.

"Whatever, you can come in but I'm going back to bed. You should too because by the sounds of it, you haven't slept at all."

"Okay!" If Felix didn't have a broken leg, Changbin would've assumed he was jumping behind him as he retreated into his room.

Changbin quickly huddled under the covers of the bed, trying to match his previous position so the cold of the untouched covers couldn't reach him. Suddenly, he felt a dip in the unoccupied side of his bed. Turning around, he was face to face with the freckled Australian.

"What the fuck Felix?"

"What? You told me to sleep!"

"Not in my bed!"

"Where else would I sleep?"

"I don't know, maybe the couch?"

"Nah," Felix said before swaddling himself in the blankets, leaving Changbin looking utterly distraught.

Poor me, he thought, first I get invaded at 7am and now I have to share my bed with some dude I met on the street months ago.

All Changbin could do was sigh and try not to stare at the boy who was now fast asleep and snoring lightly in his bed.

I'm done for...


Of all the days Chan had decided to raid his house for something to do, that day was the worst. With the sharp knocks on his door, unmistakably his best friend's, Changbin leaped out of bed. His head darted to the other side where Felix still slept peacefully.

Fuck fuck fuck fu–

"Changbin! I heard you in there! Let me in!"

"Gimme a second I'm naked!"

The commotion had seemingly woken up Felix who now rubbed his eyes sleepily. Changbin felt his heart skip a beat at the sight but now was not the time to be a lovesick idiot.

"You act as though it's nothing I haven't seen before! Lemme in!"

"Give me a second damnit!"

He turned to Felix instantly.
"I don't have time to explain but can you hide in the bathroom? I'll never hear the end of it if Chan sees you here. Just in the shower or wherever."

"Sure?" Felix sounded hesitant but complied anyway.

Once Felix was out of sight, Changbin opened the door.

"What do you want?" Changbin huffed, quite obviously annoyed at being woken up for the second time that morning.

"What's wrong?" Chan's eyes turned to immediate panic.

"You didn't address me as just 'Chan' when I opened the door? Are you sick or something?"

"Hyung, I mean this in the nicest way possible, go fuck yourself."

"You said hyung too! What is wrong with you?"

Changbin rolled his eyes when Chan eyed him suspiciously.

"So anyway, what are you doing here?" Changbin tried to conceal how sweaty he was.

"I'm bored."

"Do you not have any hobbies? Other than staring at Jeongin?"


"The boy that works at the corner store, Mr Yang's grandson. The one you drool over every time we go there. Ring any bells?"

"What? Leave me alone! He's cute," Chan huffed. "Anyway, how 'bout you and the dude you always stare at out the window, the one with purple hair.

Now very aware that Felix could, most likely, easily hear their conversation, he lowered his voice.

"I do not stare at him!"

"Yeah, and I don't have a thing for the supermarket boy."


"Yeah," Chan paused.

"Wait, how do you know his name?"

"We're friends."

"You're friends with the love of my life and you didn't tell me?! Does this friendship mean nothing to you?!"

"I knew you would act like this and then use me to get closer to him. Go talk to him yourself. You're a big boy I'm sure you can manage."

"Binnie~," Chan whined, gripping his sleeve and swinging it slightly, jutting out his lip into a pout.

"Excuse me while I throw up,"

"Shut up! Anyway I gotta go to the bathroom."

"Alright," Changbin spoke, before his blood ran cold. Felix is still in there.

"Wait, maybe don't. The shower is broken."

"I need to piss, not shower."

"But the pressure is really bad!" Changbin was pulling excuses right out of his ass.

"I don't need to shit so I'm sure the pressure will be fine."

"But there's water everywhere."

"I'm starting to think that you're hiding something in there that you don't want me to see," Chan lifted an eyebrow.

"W-what do you mean?"

Chan stood up and walked to the bathroom door before ripping it open, revealing a perfectly working shower, encased in its glass; the boy with purple hair.

"Seo Changbin..."

I already have a raging headache.

Felix you troublesome boy.

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