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The day of the holiday had arrived and Changbin was buzzing with excitement. The early morning stung his eyes but couldn't hinder his good mood. The group had decided to meet at the airport and they were giving constant updates all the way there. Felix had opted to make a video log of the holiday on a surprisingly good quality camera gifted to him by his mother. The couple were, of course, travelling together and were going to pick up Chan and Jeongin on the way. When they arrived at the airport, the other four were already waiting for them.

"C'mon slow pokes! I wanna get snacks for the flight!" Jisung said, already bouncing with excitement.

"Yah Jisung, tone it down a bit would you? I'm still not awake yet," Minho groaned beside him, his cat themed neck pillow hanging unceremoniously around his neck.

"I'll go with you!" Felix said, jumping up and down before racing off with his camera strapped to his wrist, following Jisung to the snack shop a little ways in front of them, Seungmin following in tow.

Their snack gang as they called it, grabbed a few items that they and the others would share on the plane. After paying, they found the other group at the newsagency nearby. Chan was looking at some puzzle books with Jeongin and the rest were laughing at the porn magazines at the back of the store.

Such children they were.

They made sure to check in and hand their bags over early so they would have a bit of time before their flight was due to relax. They passed through security but had to wait for Chan because he kept beeping at the station, unaware that his steel cap boots were the things triggering the alarm. 5 minutes and a shoeless Chan later, the group eventually arrived at their gate, taking a seat.

"Maybe if you weren't an emo your boots wouldn't have set off the alarm," Hyunjin laughed.

"There's nothing emo about steel capped boots!" Chan tried to defend himself.

"There is if you dress like that!" Felix joined in teasing Chan, pointing to his all black outfit with the camera, complete with chains and belts.

"Fuck off."

The announcement for boarding began and the class of boys eventually got settled on the plane, already eating the snacks that were supposed to last them the 10 and a half hour flight.

"Stop eating the fucking snacks!" Jeongin whisper-yelled, trying not to draw the attention of the other passengers.

"Jeongin watch your fucking mouth," Felix hissed hypocritically, jokingly pointing an accusing finger at the younger boy.

"I get no respect in this house."

"Now you know how I feel," Chan said beside him.

"Shut up Chan."

"What the fuck did I do?!"

This holiday was going to be great.

Halfway through the flight, Felix awoke on Changbin's shoulder. He took his time to fully awaken, soaking in Changbin's warm chest and nuzzling into his shoulder before sitting up and stretching as much as he could with the overhead bins restricting his movement.

"Morning sleepyhead," Changbin said, offering Felix a light kiss on his forehead. He would never get over this man.

"Mornin' Changbinnie."

"Are you hungry? We can get food from the flight attendants?"

"Mmm that sounds good."

As the pair waited for their food, they made small conversations with the others who were situated behind and across from them. Minho was sleeping on Jisung's shoulder while the younger watched a movie, Jeongin and Chan were seeing who could find more words in the find-a-word book they bought at the airport and Hyunjin and Seungmin mysteriously disappeared.

"Fuckin' rabbits those two are, I swear," Changbin whispered into Felix's ear who offered him a laugh. "Whatever you do, do not use the bathroom after them."

As if on cue, the pair returned, dishevelled looking, with their hair everywhere and their clothes messily strewn on their bodies. Felix swore he saw little purple marks below the pair's shirts.

"Can't you guys wait a few hours before attacking each other? Some people actually go to the bathroom for its intended purpose," Changbin said, already exasperated with the pair.

"You can't even speak Changbin, you got railed by Su-Jin in a train station bathroom, and anyway, we're the ones who didn't get to sit together so zip it," Seungmin retaliated, giving a dazed Hyunjin a peck on his temple.

It was true. The seats went in threes so Hyunjin and Seungmin were the unlucky couple that got separated. Changbin blushed angrily and responded with an eyeroll before taking his and Felix's meal off the tray that the flight attendant was offering them.

"Changbin!" Felix stared at Changbin with wide eyes. "You did not have sex in a train station bathroom!"

"Okay no more talking." Changbin wanted the floor of the plane to drop out below him so he wouldn't have to have this conversation, especially not with Felix.

"Changbin, I need to know everything!"

"No you don't you perv! Go ask Seungmin if you wanna know so bad. Wait no don't–!"

Changbin tried, but couldn't stop the boy from slipping out of his seat and making himself comfortable, crouching in the aisle next to Seungmin. He hid his face in embarrassment as the pair giggled and looked over at him every few minutes. Felix eventually made his way back to Changbin who was so red in the face he was actually scared he would pass out.

"Not a word."

What a chagrin boy.

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