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"Ha-Joon!" Changbin called out. "It's time for school! Are you ready?"

"Yeah nearly!" The boy called back, toothbrush sticking out of his mouth as he slung his bag over his shoulder.

"Hurry I've got to get to work!"

"Got it Dad! Okay I'm ready now."

"Good! Get in the car."

One thing Changbin didn't like about his son was his music taste. He found immense joy in blasting EDM in his car and he was honestly convinced that he didn't like it and only played it as an excuse to piss Changbin off.

"One car ride without your weird EDM please," Changbin said exasperated.

"Fine," Ha-Joon huffed, changing the music.

All of a sudden, Changbin's teenage voice flowed through the car speakers.

"Ha-Joon how in the everyloving fuck do you have that?"

"Not telling."

"Han Jisung you motherfucker."


After Changbin waved goodbye to his son as he dropped him outside his high school, he made his way a little ways down the street to his job, not back to his office but the storefront. Big letters made out the words "Felix's Breakfast Bar" on the outside.

Walking inside the vibrant shop, he waved to his employees.

"Hey Boss, didn't know you'd be in," Seungmin said from behind the counter, a light brown apron tied behind his back.

"Seungmin for heaven's sake I told you not to call me that," Changbin chuckled.

"Too bad boss, deal with it."

Changbin had opened up the breakfast bar about a year after Felix's passing, as a way to distract himself from, well, himself and as a way to pay tribute to his lover. With the helping hand of Hyunjin's 'restaurant opening experience' as he called it, and the group's willingness to help him out, the bar was a big hit. He'd been running the place for over 10 years now with the help of his friends and his employees.

He had adopted Ha-Joon shortly after. Changbin, eager to continue Felix's work, kept visiting children in the ward and offered them toys, just as his late lover had done. He was definitely biased towards Ha-Joon and Chanbin stayed with him all throughout his treatment. When they both got the news that Ha-Joon was better and could go home, Changbin asked him if he'd like to go home with him (Ha-Joon was ecstatic and nearly toppled Changbin over when he asked).

His little boy was all grown up now. He celebrated his 17th birthday a few weeks ago and Changbin was so proud of him. Even though they weren't related by blood, Changbin saw so much of Felix in Ha-Joon. The way his kindness made others feel warm and how he lit up a room. Like father, like son, Changbin thought, a smile grazing his face.


C'mon Bin, he's 17, let him live a little," Jisung said, handing Ha-Joon a glass of, what he guessed to be a mix of bourbon and dry ginger ale. Their little group all sat around a way too small coffee table, passing out drinks and eating the snacks.

"That's illegal," Changbin said, snatching the drink from Ha-Joon.
"You act as though you weren't getting shitfaced at 16," Chan laughed at him.

"Yeah and I don't want Joon to end up like me."

"What's wrong with you dad?"

"I'm a homosexual."

Hyunjin let out the loudest laugh of them all, bashing his hand into Seungmin's thigh making the younger of the two wince. How much did Hyunjin drink? Minho and Jisung were cuddled up next to Ha-Joon on the couch and were in charge of sneaking him small sips of the alcohol they had while the other distracted Changbin. Chan and Jeongin had occupied the kitchen, mixing together all sorts of alcohol and soft drinks, coming up with the weirdest combinations and using everyone else as their guinea pigs, making them taste their creations. (Lime and raspberry vodka was surprisingly good).

As a particularly loud bark from Jeongin came from the kitchen, Changbin's phone lit up. His lover displayed as his wallpaper, the same one as it had been from 10 years ago. He got a message from his mum checking up on him and he sent her a selfie of all of them together. As his mum complimented his little self-made family, Changbin thought.

Chan was right. It would all be okay.

As he tucked himself into bed that night, he stared at the ceiling as he did every night. He relayed the events of his day and how he felt. He knew Felix was watching him from somewhere in the clouds, no doubt about it. He always liked talking to him whenever he got that chance.

"--And Minho thought he was so slick trying to give Ha-Joon alcohol, I saw it but it's okay. He'll be able to drink soon enough so I'm sure a year early won't hurt him too much. Anyway, I'm tired so I think I'm going to go to bed now. I hope you sleep well tonight.

Goodbye My Halo."


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