on words

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There are words in my head screaming to be free.

They try to claw their way out like desperate little goblins crying to be released from my brain, their shrieking like that of demons and grotesquely half-formed.

I chain them back, shushing them with mindless idle thoughts on the excuse that I cannot let them go until I break and re-make them into immaculate little elves. Yet even as they morph into an itch beneath my skin, a pain in my mind, torturing me, I try and try but cannot succeed.

I stare blankly at the empty space where the words beg to be written, and somehow my hands feel inadequate as they shake. I hesitate at every sentence, every word, trying to grasp that feeling of just-right and wrestle it into actual writing. My head buzzes as I struggle, and my abandoned responsibilities taunt my repetitive failure.

Or maybe I'm just trying to make writer's block sound poetic. 

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