on more breakdowns

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but what is the point? I keep telling myself to hold on just a little longer, to just keep my head down and do work, but what is the point? What am I holding out for? What am I waiting endlessly for?

Is it interaction? It's really not as good as I seem to believe. I'm still alone at the end of the day.

Is it media? Fictional characters and stories I can get addicted to? They just leave me empty afterwards anyway. An endless stream of it is both unrealistic and unhealthy.

Is it freedom? That's not even promised. There are people who already have it and still feel the same way. How can I expect that it'd be any different for me? Will it even be the ideal breath of fresh air I crave? What even is freedom? The ability to stand somewhere and know I can go wherever I'd like? What difference is that supposed to make if I have nowhere to go?

Is it just the blind pursuit of a goal? Is that it? That's terrifying. 

drabblesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang