on hurting

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and in the end, it's the what-ifs that hurt me the most. 

not the way there's still two toothbrushes in my bathroom, not the way people glance to my side as if expecting you to be there, not the way i still sleep on my side of the bed when you haven't been over in months, not the way i still recite your order after mine sometimes, not the way i see one of your stupid game characters keychains in a shop and instinctively reach for it. 

it's the way i walk past that bakery you mentioned offhandedly about wanting to go. it's the way i open my notes app and see the two-bedroom apartment listings i'd been looking through. it's the way that there's a tiny box holding a ring the colour of your eyes, stashed at the very corner of my sock drawer—a stupid and impulsive buy when i was young and 20, drunk on both liquor and the high of your love. 

it's the way i turned 22 today and you're still 20.

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