on the sun and moon

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and old one I realised I never posted!!


She spun and twirled, her laugh like liquid sunlight which warmed my chest and her grin glowing as brightly as her sparkling eyes, spreading joy and warmth everywhere she turned. I watched with a quiet smile from my quaint little corner, selfishly enjoying the light of my sun which I hardly deserved.

As she danced in her carefree manner, awkwardly and inelegantly but having fun all the same, she sang, her voice loud and clear despite her poor pitch and skipping of lyrics she didn't know.

As she giggled her way through the first line of the chorus, those around her which basked in her warmth responded enthusiastically with the next, all smiling so widely they practically started glowing.

She grinned in response to them, but only I noticed her eyes darting around the room as she searched for some unknown person.

Then those chocolate brown eyes landed on me.

She broke into an even bigger smile, and with an outstretched hand, stared at me expectantly with that painfully bright expression.

I stared back defiantly, a futile battle of moonlight against the relentless sunlight that shone a hundred times more strongly. No.

C'mon. It'll be fun! Her eyes shone as she silently urged me to join her in her loud, centre-of-attention karaoke. I responded with a glare, refusing to relent. No. Absolutely not.

She studied my face with that smile intact despite my best efforts to discourage her, and decided to deploy her ultimate weapon.

She pouted.

I glared harder, but could feel my will weakening with every second that she stared at me with those watery eyes.

Five seconds in, my determination threw up its hands and jumped off a cliff. I let out a deep, exhausted sigh and monotonically deadpanned, "Hot damn."

Almost immediately after, she blurted out a "call the police and the fireman", her eyes shining like crackling flames on a cold winter night and her singing even more terribly off-tune from holding back her laughter.

I watched her turn away again, but knew her eyes would still dart back to me every once in a while and I would be forced to sing some embarrassing line again. I didn't mind one bit, despite the act I put up every single time.

The moon cannot shine without the sun, after all. 

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