Chapter 2: Grateful For Everything

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Wren's POV:

I was just in my 2nd-period class when I heard my sister and my name on the PA system.

"Will Wren, and Charlotte Carson, please make your way to the principal's office." Principal Adams says. "I repeat, will Wren, and Charlotte Carson, please make your way to the principal's office, thank you."

Charlotte always gets sent to the principal's office.. What did she do now, and why am I being called to the principal's office? She probably found a way to blame me for the mess she made.

I make my way to the principal's office and see my sister already standing there.

"Good morning, Principal Adams," I say as I step into his office.

"Morning girls." He replies, taking his glasses off in the process.

"What did Charlee do now?" I ask.

"Why do you assume I did anything?!" Charlotte cries out.

"Because you get sent to the principal's office a lot." I retort.

"That doesn't mean I did anything!" Charlee yells, her brows furrowing.

The two of us get into a heated argument and it goes on for so long.

"Gir-" Principal Adams calls out.

We continue arguing until he says something that I thought I would never hear. "Your Mother's in the hospital and she may be dying." He says, looking at us.

"What?" I say. "That can't be true. She's not gonna die." I look at my sister and see the same shocked, solemn face on her.

"Because of that, I am letting you go see her today." He says. "Your Aunt is coming by to pick you up."

The two of us make our way to the lobby and wait there until we see a figure walking – no – running toward us.

"Aunt Norah, what happened?" I ask her as she pants for breaths.

"Your Mother–" Again, she's gasping for breaths. "She's in the hospital, we need to go. Now!

Norah's POV:

We rush to the hospital as quickly as we can. When we get there the nurse refuses to let us in.

"I have to see her!" Wren yells I start to see tears forming in her eyes and she whispers. "Please, she's my Mother, I have to see her.."

"The doctors are just tending to her right now, but you won't be able to see her until tomorrow, miss." He says. "So you might as well just go home and come back tomorrow."

Minutes later we're all in the car, Wren sitting in the passenger seat beside me. "Do you girls wanna stay home or go back to school?"

"School, Aunt Norah," Charlee responds.

Wren stays silent and just stares out the window.

I approach their school

"I'll take that as a no for you Wren," I say. "Stay safe Charlotte."

"See you later," Charlee replies.

As soon as she is out of sight, I start driving.

Wren maintains silence during the entire journey. I try to speak with her. "What character in a circus would you play, then?"

She makes no attempt to speak.

"I believe I'd be a good trapeze artist," I say cheerfully. "I enjoy taking risks."

There has been no change. She has been silent. I grimace even more as I see her in the rearview mirror. Her curly golden brown hair is enhanced by the sun as she stares out the window.

"It seems like a gloomy day, so how can it be sunny outside?" Wren mumbles.

I turn and park the car. "Wren." I cast a glance at her. "You're aware that these things do occur. The doctor says they're doing everything they can to keep her alive, but people do die and there's nothing you can do about it."

"The doctor says he's doing everything he can to keep her alive. What if they try everything, but she still passes away?"

"Sweetheart, I know that's a possibility, but it's common." I voice. "Many patients have died while still being treated in the hospital."

Her eyes are shimmering with tears, and I can almost see them rolling down her cheeks. She makes me feel awful. Losing a mother is never simple.

She remains still in my arms as I reach out to give her a hug. This time, I'm certain that she is wiping away tears.

Before I realize I need to return to work, we continue to be in that situation for a while. She releases her grip on me, sniffing as she dries her eyes with her top's sleeves.

"I'm so happy you're still here, I really am." She manages to utter before slamming the door of the vehicle shut. 

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