Chapter 29: Saved By A Donut

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Wren's POV:

What just happened? Evelyn ended the call an hour ago, but the conversation is still playing in my mind, more specifically when he said: "Oh, easy! A few years ago, a woman came to my house and gave me a sticky note with this number on it. She said to call the number when something happens to her. And I asked her how I would know if something happened to her and she said I'd know in due time. A few days ago, I saw her picture in the newsletter, saying she's dead or something and her picture reminded me of something, but I wasn't sure what it reminded me of. I was 90% sure this was what she was talking about the 'due time' thing. But I didn't a few days ago because I forgot about what she said. Until I found your number and I just knew I had to call you."

But my mind is stuck on the last thing he said, 'Until I found your number and I just knew I had to call you.'

Why would a random girl even give a random man her number? And what if the woman had changed her number by then? We're not even sure the girl was random, my mother died right about the time the man – er Ben – said he saw her picture, so maybe the girl was our mother.

But that's not possible.

But then again, my mother looks the same as she did a few years ago, so it's possible.

But I refuse to believe that mother gave a total stranger her number because every day she used to go on and on about giving your number to strangers and how dangerous that is.

Unless mother knew him, but then he wouldn't have called her a random woman, he would've called her her name or ma'am or something.

So that just begs the question, why would my mother give a random person her number when she always talks about the dangers of giving random people your number?

I break out of my thoughts when I hear someone calling for me.


The voice sounds far and distant. But it also sounds close, like they're speaking directly in my ear. Which is really weird if you think about it.


The door to my room opens and the voice is gone. "Wren? Dad's calling for you."

I look up and see Evelyn at the door. "Oh, tell him I'll be there."

She closes the door and leaves. The voice is nowhere to be heard anymore. I wonder who it belonged to. It sounded kind of... light but heavy. Filled with worry and betrayal.

I stop thinking of heavy stuff cause I can't quite place my finger on what that means and go upstairs to see my dad.

"You wanted to see me, dad?" I say when I see him in the living room on the couch.

"Yeah, come, sit here." He pats the couch.

I sit beside him.

He doesn't talk for a few moments.

"So... what is it you wanted to talk about?"

"I got a call from your school a few days ago. And they say you're..." He clears his throat. "Not doing well. Is something happening that I should know about?"

God, I hate these conversations. I avoid them at all costs. Or, I try to anyway.


"There's nothing going on, Dad," I say finally.

"You sure about that?"

Another silence. I think he's giving me time to speak. But I have nothing to say.

"Wren?" He asks.

"Yes, dad?"

"Who ate the last donut?!" Someone yells from the kitchen. I snap my head around and see Jude storming over to us and pointing at me. "You. You took it didn't you." Not a question, but a statement.

"Why do you always blame me, and no it wasn't me!"

"Because you're the only one up here besides me."

"Who's he, then?" I point to dad.

"Dad doesn't just take food, he asks if anyone wants it. And I didn't hear him asking anyone," Jude says.

"Well, I'm telling you, I. Didn't. Take. It." I enunciate the last four words.

"Yeah right." He scoffs. "You take everything that's mine."

"I'm pretty sure the last donut wasn't just for you."

"Yes, it was. I put a sticky note on it that said 'Jude's donut'. You're the only one who would be stupid enough to take something that belongs to someone else."

"The donut didn't belong to you! It's a type of food, anyone in this house could've eaten it!"

"Yeah, but you're the only person here."

"Oh my god, who is he?" I point to dad again. "Evelyn could've eaten it, or Charlotte, or maybe it was Asher."

"Wow, look at you, blaming everyone but yourself."

"I'm not blaming them, I'm just pointing at someone else because I didn't take the last donut."

"So typical for you to say."

"Wow, so, what's it gonna take for you to believe me?"

"Nothing. Unless you–"

"Jude, Wren, and I were talking here," Dad says, butting into our conversation now.

"Oh. Hello dad," Jude smiles. "Do you want me to leave?"

"Yes," Dad replies hastily.

"Oh, ok. I'll just go then." Jude leaves Dad and me alone in the living room.

Totally OppositesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora