Chapter 5: The Bracelet

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Wren's POV:

I'm in the car staring out the window when I notice something up my sleeve.

A bracelet. A beaded bracelet.

That's weird. I never wore a bracelet today. It looks familiar though.

Once I get home, I stampede up the stairs, close the door to my bedroom, and let my fingers trail through the bracelet until it stops on the clasp.

I unclasp it and looking at it makes me realize why it looks so familiar.

It's my Mother's. She must've slipped it in my hands before the doctors came in!

I wonder why she would give this to me though. It's her favorite bracelet. She would never in a million years let anyone touch it. Not even Dad.

One time, Dad was caught holding the bracelet and Mom screamed. Not sure if it's true though. He said it happened when we were in Elementary school. Though Evelyn says it's true cause she had almost graduated high school by then and she would remember things like that.

But she can barely remember what she ate for breakfast.

I take a closer look at the bracelet. If Mom had given me this, there has to be a reason why. She doesn't just give her favorite things away for no reason. Mom always does things for a reason. And always for a good reason.

She treats us all the same but I think she only does that because she was treated differently than her 2 brothers who we have never met before. And Mom says we never will.

It's not that she hates them. She just doesn't like that she was treated differently from her brothers. And she thinks that they would be a bad influence on us kids.

It's been hours since I started looking for anything from the bracelet.

It has changed from day to night. And Dad has called me down for dinner. I guess I have to take a closer look at this tomorrow.

I put the bracelet away into my jewelry box and make my way downstairs. It looks like I'm the last one to arrive as everyone is already seated at the table.

I stop at the stairs, waiting to see if Mom arrives. But it hits me soon enough that she's not going to arrive anymore.

Since I have 4 siblings, the table is crowded and everybody has their own spot. I take a seat at my spot and everybody starts eating.

Right across from me is Charlotte, on her right is Jude – our little brother –, on his right is Evelyn, on her right, is me, on my right is Dad, then on his right is Asher — the eldest son.

There's a seat in between Dad and Asher that's reserved for Mom. But it's been empty since this morning.

Evelyn's the oldest, then next comes Asher, Charlotte, me, and Jude.

I don't know why my parents decided to have 5 kids. They just did. The biggest age gap between the siblings is Evelyn and Jude, 11 years apart.

Evelyn and Asher are 3 years apart. Evelyn and Charlotte are 5 years apart. Evelyn and I are 7 years apart.

Jude and I fight the most out of all five of us, but Jude's the loudest, and Charlotte's the quietest. Asher's the one who talks to others the most — even if they're strangers — which I do not get. Like how does he do that? How does Asher talk to others without thinking about anything? I need him to teach me. Evelyn's the one who goes out the most and I am like Charlotte, and I can talk to others just not like Asher does.

I get shy around others and it's very hard for me to ask for help. I guess that's why I don't like school at all, I fail a lot, cause I refuse to ask for help.

Sorry not sorry, teachers!

I dig into my dinner – spaghetti and meatballs – which is over in 20 minutes. I love spaghetti & meatballs!

Since I am a picky eater, it kind of depends on what type of food it is, and I can eat quickly. But sometimes, even if my favorite food is made, I can't eat it.

On those types of days, I just feel like gagging after every single bite. I don't know why, I just do. 

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