Chapter 28: No Caller I.D

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Wren's POV:

"Ugh, you're so annoying!" Jude says to me.

"Well, you're annoyingest," I say back.

"That's not a word."

"It so is."

"No, it isn't."

"Yes, it is!"

"No, it isn't."

"Yes, it is!"

"No, it isn't."

"Yes, it is!"

No, it isn't."

"Yes, i—"

"Shut up! Both of you," Evelyn says.

I narrow my eyes on her. "This isn't your problem Evelyn."

"Yeah, well, you're being too loud and I'm involving myself."

"Whatever," Jude walks to the kitchen and grabs a snack. "So.. any more news on our mother, have you found anything yet?"

"No, nothing yet," I sigh.

"Haven't you been searching for a while now?" Evelyn asks

"Yes, but things take time Evelyn. You just have to be patient," I say. "No matter how long it takes..."

"Coming from someone who doesn't have patience," Jude says.

I look at him. "Since when were you in this conversation?"

"Since Evelyn interrupted ours," He points out.

"How does that even make sense?" Evelyn asks.

"It doesn't have to, it just works."

"Jude, no it doesn't," I say. "How in the world does that make sense? Evelyn, does that make sense?"

Evelyn shakes her head.

"I bet if Charlotte were here, she'd also say it doesn't make sense."

"Charlotte agrees with everything you say, Wren," Jude says pointedly.

"True, I'm with Jude on this one Wren. It's like you two a–" The ringing of a phone interrupts her.

"Who's phone is that?" I ask as Evelyn takes out her phone.

"Mother's. Dad gave it to me." She answers the call and puts it on speaker. "Hello?"

There's a static noise buzzing through the phone.

"Hello? Is this a prank?" Evelyn asks.

More static.

"Hello," Evelyn says again. "Is anybody on the phone?"

Clattering can be heard from the background of the phone. A boy's voice rings out.

"Hey, sorry about that. Was helping my mother with something. Also, I didn't expect you to pick up so quickly since you don't know me." The voice says.

"So, you're aware you're calling a complete stranger?" Evelyn asks.


"Wow. Never heard of that one before." Evelyn mutters.

"Don't worry, I call strangers all the time!" The boy replies enthusiastically.

"That's worrisome. What's your name?"

"Benjamin, but you can call me Ben, you?"

"Evelyn. Ben, why do you call strangers all the time?"

"Cause it's fun, of course!"

"OK then. And this number is just some random numbers you put together?"

"No, actually, I found your number in a sticky note of mine."

"Um, excuse me?"

"Yeah, can you believe that? I didn't know who it was, so I decided to call."

"Why? You weren't scared it wouldn't be a serial killer or something?"

"Are you a serial killer?"

"No, but that's not the point."

"Exactly, but if that's not the point, what is then?"

"Never mind. Why'd you call anyway? And how did you get my number?"

"Oh, easy! A few years ago, a woman came to my house and gave me a sticky note with this number on it. She said to call the number when something happens to her. And I asked her how I would know if something happened to her and she said I'd know in due time. A few days ago, I saw her picture in the newsletter, saying she's dead or something and her picture reminded me of something, but I wasn't sure what it reminded me of. I was 90% sure this was what she was talking about the 'due time' thing. But I didn't a few days ago because I forgot about what she said. Until I found your number and I just knew I had to call you." 

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