Chapter 26: Family Is Everything... Right?

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Wren's POV:

Mother never loved dad? But that's not possible... mom gushes over him every chance she gets. I've seen it with my own two eyes. Are they lying? Are they just saying that for no reason? And what did uncle Nate mean about what mom said before she got married. Did mother really not love him? Wait, but if she didn't why would she have us? She had a choice, she could've said no and because dad loves her, he would've been okay with it but came to a compromise.

This is hurting my brain. I can't think about this anymore.

As soon as dad stops the car, I quickly go into the house and go to my room. Quickly, but not fast enough to raise suspicions.

Dad didn't tell us anything about what happened. Before I can get to my room, I can see dad making his way to his room and closing the door.

I guess he's in denial of what my uncles said to him. But what did they mean? They had to have been lying. Mom loved dad. There's never a day they don't go by without flirting. Or sending flowers to the other for no reason. They just do it.

Mom never talked about leaving her family. Or not to me anyway, but if dad knew than he would've been okay, right? Plus, mom would never play with his feelings like that. Dad loves her too much and mom wouldn't lead him on. She's not inconsiderate.

Would she? No, of course not. She loves dad. She loves all of us. But why would mom leave her family? Did they do something to her that's unforgivable? And if so, what? Mom always talked about how important family is, so I just can't imagine her leaving her family.

And if they're right, why would she? That's the main question, isn't it. But they have to be wrong, mother always said that family is everything, so why would she lie? Family is everything... right? Unless she lied to us, or her family did something that made her leave.

"Wren?" Jude walks in. "Dad says its time for lunch."

"I'll be there."

Jude leaves the room and I follow him shortly after. I sit down on my chair in the dining room, with my siblings. And the adults, not counting Evelyn, Asher, and Charlotte, sit in the living room, eating and staying quiet.

Everyone else is also quiet, not wanting to talk. I mean, what do you talk about after a funeral? Certainly not something happy or funny of course. It's a funeral, but what do you talk about after one?

I look up from my food and see Jude smiling a little. "What are you smiling about?" I snap at him.

"What? Oh, nothing. Just something I thought of mom."

"And what's that?"

"Just.. how good of a cook she was."

Max's POV:

It was a closed funeral so only some of us are here. No friends. Just family. No cousins either. Or I guess, Piper wanted her favorite cousins from her husband's side to be here.

I don't exactly know what Noah meant when he said Nate and I had the audacity to show up to our sister's funeral after what we did. I don't get it, what did we do? Is it because we didn't stand up to her when we should've? Because if it is, I am sorry about that, I just didn't and I still don't know how to show it. Or is it something else entirely? Did I miss something? A clue to what was going on behind doors?

"Max, dear. Come help your mother." My mother says, motioning for me to sit beside her.

"Yes, mother what is it you need help with?" I sit beside her on the couch.

"Get me the sugar." She says.

I hand her the sugar, then I put it in her tea like she tells me to do.

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