Chapter 21: Rapunzel, Rapunzel

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Jeremy's (aka Leo's) POV:

She turns around and I smirk at her expression.

Wide-eyed, mouth parted open a little.

"Dad?" She says.

I scoff. "As if. I look and am nothing like him."

"Uncle Jeremy?"

I freeze. How did she know?

"Who told you that?"

"So you're alive."

I grit my teeth. "I never said I was Jeremy."

"Yeah, but the look on your face says it all." She says. "What are you doing, why do you have a gun pointed to my head?"

"Shut up, I'll ask the questions here."

I grab her arms quickly and grab another chair to put behind the other girl - Charlotte was it? - to tie this girl up as well.

"You won't get away with this." Charlotte spits out as I tie her sister up.

"It looks like I already have. And you better stay quiet if you know what's good for you. Both of you."

Wren glares at me

"Any last words?" I say, holding a rag to gag her with.

"How did you know we were here? Who told you?" Wren says.

"Oh no no no no. I never reveal my secrets my dear niece. No no." I wag my finger at her "Anything else?"

She shakes her head as I gag her and Charlotte both.

I think for a bit, deciding to tell them the truth. Well, the half-truth at least.

"A... trusted accomplice of mine has been stalking you for me. They've been getting close to you to tell me about yourselves. Which is how I came to know that my dear brother has started a family and has five kids." I say, pacing around the room. "But I trusted them too much. They started stalking my daughter Eloise... and well she wanted to know who they were. But while Eloise was finding her stalker's identity, she also got close to finding out who I was. And I couldn't let that happen, now could I? I mean what would Ava think if she found out I had a whole 'nother identity."

The room goes silent as I start to think. Like I expected, the girls weren't struggling. I mean I expected that from Charlotte but Wren. Oh dear god no. She's way too controlling to stay silent.

So I look at her to see her sitting still in her chair.

"Are you dead?" She doesn't respond.

Oh my, have I killed someone. I didn't mean to.

"Wren? Wren..." I shake her and scream a little.

I look to Charlotte. "What's wrong with her?"

"Don't disturb her. If you wake her up or scream at her she will go full psycho mode. You do not want that. Trust me." She says, eyes wide.

I scoff. As if a teenage woman could scare me. I can feel a pulse in her wrist. Did she fall asleep? I shake Wren's shoulder again.

She then opens her eyes.

I scream and back away.

She looks possessed. Hey eyes widened.

"That doesn't scare me." I scoff.

"Your scream said otherwise." She mutters.

"You can't... prove it." I look away from her and to Charlotte.

"I told you not to disturb her, you didn't listen." She shrugs

"You didn't give me enough warning. Your fault." I point to Charlotte.

"How was it my fault when I told you not to disturb her."

"You didn't tell me enough."

"All you had to do was listen, and you didn't. So it's your fault."

"You didn't tell me what would happen if I disturbed her."

"I didn't have to, you should've listened."

"Whatever." I start to turn around but Charlotte interrupts me.

"Wait!" She basically screams. "I have to ask you a question."

"What?" I turn to Charlotte again.

"What made you decide to be a kidnapper?"

"I didn't want to be a kidnapper, idiot girl. But in light of recent events, I had to kidnap you both and Eloise as well." I said to her, "If she hadn't been found, then maybe you two wouldn't be stuck here. Or if my accomplice hadn't stalked my daughter Eloise, then maybe she wouldn't have had to look into her stalker and almost found out who I was."

"Another question, sir. May I call you uncle Jeremy? I mean legally and technically speaking you are my uncle, so would you mind?"

I look at her incredulously. "Why would you- Nevermind." I turn around halfway.

"Wait. Another question." She thinks for a moment. "Do you eat or drink soup?"

"I eat s- no I drink sou- no. What, you're confusing me!" I said to her, "Stop with the questions. I eat the vegetables in the soup but I drink the soup. There, yeah, that's right."

She confuses me a lot.. This girl.

I turn around fully this time to see people standing there. My siblings, Noah and Norah. My wife, Ava. My daughters Alex and Eloise. And my nieces and nephews. No, only one nephew. Jude, Evelyn, and Wren.

They're all standing together. Only one I don't see is Asher. I guess he was too scared to come. Coward.

"How did you get in here, I locked the door." My jaw drops a little when I see them all.

"We have our ways." Wren says.

"And what are those ways?"

"Like we'd tell you." Alex scoffs.

I look around. Once I get to see Charlotte's side, there's a man in front of her. I'm not sure who it is but he's holding up a pan and hits me in the face with it.

I stumble backwards and my vision gets blurry but he didn't hit me hard enough.


So he hits again. And again.

Until I'm down on the ground, falling face first. I try to speak but my throat hurts and scratches. My vision has also gone blurry.

I think he's hitting me on my throat.

Suddenly, my blurry vision goes dark and I pass out.

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