Chapter 25: An Unexpected Place For A Clue

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I cut my hair short. It used to be long like up to my back but it's now up to my neck. A little above my shoulders. It looks good, but not too good.

I like my hair long, so I don't know why I cut it. I guess since a lot of things are changing, what's one more thing?

I look in the mirror and put a headband on. I've always liked my hair out of my face. I usually tie it up, but since it's short now, I have to use a headband. Clips don't work for me, they hurt a lot.

"Wren, you ready?" Dad looks into my room.

I look at him and swallow a big lump in my throat then nod slowly. "Yeah."

I realized in the midst of it all, the mystery, the finding out who the woman is, uncle Jeremy not being dead, we didn't have a funeral for mother. Dad took care of it though. He set up everything and I couldn't be more grateful to have him.

I'm wearing all black, even my headband is black.

"I'll see you in the car?" Dad asks, it's not a statement, it's a question.

I nod, walking out of my room and going upstairs to find everybody sitting in the living room.

Charlotte comes up and grabs my shoulder. "Hey." She says. "You okay?"

I decide for the truth "No." I whisper. "But I will be. Soon."

My mom and I weren't that close, but we were still close to the point that I'd cry if she died. And I guess I am. I promised I wouldn't cry before the funeral, but here I am.

Charlotte holds on to me tighter but after a while she leads me out to the car. I buckle myself in and everybody does the same.

Uncle Jeremy is sitting with aunt Ava and his kids. Aunt Norah and Uncle Jasper sit with us as there's no point in taking another car since we have two extra seats. Our car's an eight seater. Even Evelyn sits with us.

Dad gets in the car and starts driving after checking to see if everybody's here. Which they are.

We get to the destination and everybody's just scattered about, all dressed in black, mourning the death of my mother.

We have a huge family so a lot of people are here, but the funeral's only for family. Family from her sides have come to see her on her deathbed. Even her brothers and mother. Her father died years before. So he's not here and a father and his daughter will finally be re-united.

The family from my dad's side are also here. Mostly just his siblings and his parents. Plus a few of his girl cousins who seem to really like my mother, a lot. So, they're here as well.

The whole room is covered in black outfits Everyone is in black, black veils, black dresses, black shoes, black shirts and trousers. Basically all black.

It's so depressing really. But I guess depressing is the right word for an occasion like this. A funeral.

A man comes up to me. "Hey, you must be Wren, her daughter. I'm Max, Piper's younger brother." He takes his hand out for me to shake it.

"Hi uncle Max. I am her daughter, Wren, yes."

"She was an amazing older sister. To both of us, really." He says.

"I don't know why I never met you or my other uncle, was there something going on that I don't know about?"

"No, I think it was cause our mother treated us differently. Like, our mother treated us from stereotypes, you know what I mean? She treated us differently cause we're boys and she's a girl."

"Oh, I didn't know that. Were you included in her wedding?"

"Oh yeah definitely. But, she told us she didn't want anything to do with us after the wedding."

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