Chapter 15: Twin

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Norah's POV:

Noah is at my house, I am consoling him of his wife's death. Noah is my brother, meaning that Piper was my sister-in-law. Her death doesn't hit me as it does to him but it still hurts.

He keeps crying on my shoulder and I don't know what to do. He's been coming around to mine cause his kids still don't know he quit the day their mother died.

"Noah, I know it's sad, but you have to stay strong," I tell him.

"I can't just stay strong though. It's so hard. I have to stay strong in front of the kids and I cannot do that here. Don't make me." He answers. "But I guess you're right. I should stop crying." He wipes away his tears.

"There there. It's going to be fine. Everything's going to be okay." I help him sit up and regulate his breathing back to normal.

"Thanks." He looks around. "Where's Jasper?"

"He's at work. Is there anything I can get you to drink? Tea, maybe?'

"That would be good, yeah." He sniffles.

I go to the kitchen to make tea for Noah. I put the pot on the stove and put in the tea bag to let it cook. Once it's done, I pour it into a cup for Noah and bring it to him.

"Thank you." He takes the cup.

I sit down beside him and watch him drink.

"I think it's time for me to tell my kids that I quit work."

"You want to?"

"Yeah, I think it's time to. So I'd better get on home and tell them."

He drains the tea and sets it down to go home.

"Bye, I'll see you later."

Noah's POV:

I drive home to see it's still empty. Of course, it is, everybody either has work or school. I lay down on the couch and wait for my kids to get home.

It had been a few hours, but Evelyn arrives back.

"Oh, hey Dad. I thought you didn't get off work till later?"

"I got off a little early today."

She nods. "Right ok." She starts walking to her room.

"Hey wait. Could you come back upstairs when everyone arrives? I have something to say."

"Uh, sure."

It had been a couple more hours until everyone arrived home from school.

"Hey Dad, how was work today?" Wren asks.

"We... have to talk about that actually.." I answer. "Could you get Evelyn?"

"Sure," Charlotte answers.

A few minutes later, Charlotte and Evelyn arrive back.

"What'd you wanna say?" Evelyn asks.

"I quit my job the day your mother died," I say. "I haven't been going to work, instead I've going to your Aunt Norah's house for the past few months.'

"What?" Wren replies after a few moments of silence.

Wren's POV:

I am in my room with Charlotte and Evelyn.

"Dad quit his job. And he never told us before." Charlotte's eyes are widened and Evelyn's jaw is dropped.

"This changes everything. The man we saw that day wasn't him, Charlotte." Evelyn says.

"I know," Charlotte replies. "But who could it be?"

"I don't know," I reply. "Maybe it was someone pretending to be him."

"They couldn't've pretended to be him, Wren, they really looked like him," Charlotte says.

"Remember what Aunt Norah said? That she had 2 siblings, one of them is Dad and the other has to be his twin or something." I say.

"But if Dad had a twin, wouldn't he know they were alive?" Evelyn says. "Plus, Dad told me they died before you guys were born."

"Before Asher or Charlotte?"

"Before Charlotte. Why does that matter?"

"Well, if he died before Charlotte, then Asher might know about him?"

"We can't just ask Asher about the twin. I mean he was 2 when the guy died." Charlotte makes a good point.

"Well, we have to ask someone. It can't be Dad though. If he found out we know about his twin, he'll wonder why." Evelyn says. "And he won't leave us alone until we tell him. We can't let him do that."

"Duh. If he's on our trail every 5 minutes we won't be able to find out about Mom." I say.

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