Chapter 19: Confirmed

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Charlotte's POV:

Wren told me everything that happened days ago. Apparently dad has a twin who's supposed to be dead but is actually alive. Which is weird but it's a possibility.

Dad and aunt Ava are having an argument about what his name is, – Jeremy or Leo – so they're going to aunt Norah's to find out his name.

I'm in the back of the car, with Asher and Eloise. I normally sit in the front but we have more people with us today in the car. Jude and Wren sit on the window seat in front of us, Alex just beside her in the middle, and Ava in the passenger seat beside dad, driving to aunt Norah's place. We didn't have enough space for Eloise so Evelyn is driving in her car and Eloise is sitting beside me.

The whole time, dad and aunt Ava are arguing about the name, Wren and Alex are talking, Jude and I are also talking, and Eloise stares out the window, and Asher just uses his phone.

We get there shortly, parking his car in her driveway. Aunt Norah's car is in her driveway and uncle Jasper's isn't. Her driveway can fit two cars, so he parks behind her car.

We file out of the car and ring the doorbell. She answers.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" She gestures for us to come in.

We follow her, sitting on the couch. Dad and aunt Ava were just standing there, crossing their arms, glaring at each other. It's clear to tell that aunt Norah is confused and doesn't know what's happening.

"So..." She says, cautiously. "Is anybody gonna explain what's happening, or did you just want to change the scenery for your staring - er glaring - contest?"

They continue glaring at each other and it's safe to say that one of us is going to have to explain things to her. So Wren speaks up as Evelyn enters the house.

"When dad was born, did your mother also have another baby?"

"Uh... Yes, why?"

"What was his name?"

"Jeremy..." She glances up at dad who exclaimed loudly.

"See, I told you it was Jeremy. I don't know where you got Leo from." He scoffs.

"Well that's what he told me, Noah." Ava says. "But he was probably hiding his identity. You know, so that you wouldn't know if he was still alive."

"But why wouldn't he want us to know? We're his family."

"Uh, let's see. From what you told me, he fell off a cliff and you didn't even bother to check if he was still alive."

"Well that wasn't my fault. Mother wouldn't let me near the edge." Dad says.

"Ok, well, now that we know he's still alive, where could he be?"

"I don't know. I tried going to his favorite places."

"You mean his favorite places from 30 years ago!"

"Oh," Realization dawns on him. He scratches the back of his hand. "Right, I messed up there."

"I know where he might be." Wren says, standing up.

We all look at her.

"Or Eloise knows but she can't really explain, she said she's gonna take me there. I was wondering if we could leave now?"

"Alright, you and Eloise can go." Dad says.

"Can I come?" I ask.

"Sure, but since I can't drive, who's gonna take me?" Wren says.

"Eloise can drive." Ava says.

"Right. Who's car then?" I say.

"I can drive you there." Evelyn says.

"And I'd let you go Eloise, but I just got you back and I don't wanna lose you." Ava says,

"Me too." Alex responds.

"I guess we're all going then."

"I can't take all of you." Evelyn says. "There's only five seats in my car."

"Eloise and I are obviously going." Ava says.

"Ok, Alex's mom can sit in the front, Eloise in the back, two more."

"Charlotte and I can go." Wren says.

"No way, I'm not letting you go see him without an adult." Dad says.

"Alex's mom is going to be there, plus Evelyn is an adult, and Charlotte is almost an adult as well."

"Yeah." I say.

"Please let us go dad, I promise we'll be careful." Wren says.

"I can follow you in my car." Dad says.

"My car is also a five-seater, if Norah doesn't go, we can use mine." Ava says.

"Ava, your car is a five-seater, Evelyn's car is a five-seater. If there are five people in her car, then all of us can go in your car."

"I'm not going. You know I don't like dangerous stuff." Asher says.

"Asher and Jude can stay at mine and I can watch them while you're gone." Norah says.

"What. No, I wanna go!" Jude exclaims.

"Jude you are too young." Dad says.

"How come Wren can go?" Jude points to Wren.

"She's 16, you're 12, there's an age difference."


"No buts, you're staying here with Asher and Aunt Norah. The decision is final, end of discussion."

"Fine." He mutters. He goes to sit on aunt Norah's couch and remains there, crossing his arms and looking angry in the process.

"Knowing Leo, he's probably gonna stay inside at night, and be out all morning, so we'll leave tonight at 8. Got it?" Ava says.

Everyone nods their heads, understanding what she means.

It is almost 8, we're just finishing up dinner. Or at least Dad and Ava are. The rest of us told them we had a long lunch today, even though I didn't. I'm not sure I could eat, I think I'd throw up.

"We'd better get going then, we don't wanna waste any time." Dad says, swallowing his last bite.

Dad leads the way outside. I get in Evelyn's car with Eloise Ava Alex and Evelyn. Dad's the only other person going so he's going to use his car. Along with Jude, Wren, and aunt Norah.

Evelyn is in the driver's seat, Ava sitting beside her. I am sitting in the window, seat behind Ava, Alex behind Evelyn and Eloise sitting in between us. Wren and Dad are going in his car, with Jude.

Only reason he's going is because he kept complaining about not going and dad couldn't take it anymore, so he said Jude could come with us. And since Asher can take care of himself, aunt Norah is coming with us in dad's car.

I feel like I should've sat with Jude, considering that Wren and him fight almost always.

Oh well, we already left and there's no turning back now.

"Eloise, could you put the address here." Evelyn says giving Eloise her phone and backing out of the driveway.

Evelyn goes on to Google Maps and tells Eloise to put in the address of where he might be.

She takes the phone from Evelyn and enters the address. 

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