Chapter 17: Eloise Is Back

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Alex's POV:

I look back and see that Eloise is within his view. I widen my eyes but narrow them when I look back at Dad.

"What are you doing here?" I say.

His gaze shifts to me. "I heard a thud and came to check it out to see that you were in the closet. In Eloise's closet. Explain why."

I could try to lie but I decide to go with the truth. "I heard a creak and came to check as well."

"You heard a creak in her room and decided to check?

"Yes, something wrong with that?"

"No." He looks nervous now and his eyes hold a bit of anger in them. "You should get to sleep and I'll sort this out."

I raise my eyebrow. "No way, I found her. I should take care of this."

"Alex." He warns me.

"I know you're not gonna take care of her when I leave."

"What do you mean?" He looks at me. "She's my daughter, of course I'm gonna take care of her."

"Right. Except I know you won't."

"And what makes you think that?"

"When you saw Eloise, you didn't freeze when you found her did you?

I wait for a response from him but he gives none.

"You froze cause I found her. Right?" I raise both my eyebrows. "And that somebody caught you red-handed."

"You have no proof of that." He spits out.

"Don't I?" I say with authority. "I saw the look in your eyes when you saw her. The fear that someone found her. Does mom know that Eloise is still alive? That you kidnapped her and trapped her in her own closet? How long have you been planning this, and why?"

He bares his teeth. "No, your mother doesn't know, and it's going to stay that way. I"m gonna make sure of that."

"How? She's right behind you, and she heard everything."

"What?" He looks back with fear in his eyes. "Ava, it's not what it looks like."

She narrows her eyes at him. "Save it Leo. I know everything."

He looks back at me with anger. "You did this. You ruined everything. Like always!"

I roll my eyes. "You're the one keeping your daughter locked in her own closet!"

He bares his teeth again.

"When Eloise went missing on the first day, we knew something was wrong immediately when you didn't show any feelings." Mother says. "So we decided to investigate. Together. It was my idea for you to start trusting Alex and you got her a dresser."

"Why did you kidnap her?"

"Cause she was close to finding out who I was and I couldn't let that happen."

"What, that you're a stalker and a kidnapper?" I say sternly.

"I never stalked her. Somebody else was. Plus, if it was me, it wouldn't be called stalking, it'd be called being a protective father. When she was getting close to who was stalking her, she was also getting close to finding out who I was."

"And who are you? I don't think I know who you are anymore." I say.

"You don't wanna know that and I'm not gonna tell you, so drop it."

"You either tell us or we call the police and we turn you in Leo." Mom says, threateningly.

"You wouldn't dare." He says.

"It doesn't matter." I say. "Either you tell us or you go to jail for kidnapping your daughter. Choose wisely."

"I'd go to jail anyway, wouldn't I?" He says. "For all that I have done, kidnapping her, keeping her locked in her closet. I gave her food and water of course. But I guess that wasn't enough, was it?" He glares at Eloise.

She's now beside me, holding onto my arm tightly. I can feel it. She's afraid to let go. And to be honest, so am I. I just got her back, I'm not losing her again. So I let her hold on as tight as she wanted. Even if it hurts me.

I take a closer look at her and see that she's pale and skinny. The shine she usually had in her eyes is now gone. She's dressed in sweatpants and a sweatshirt. They look new. Probably cause I know she'd never wear something other than a skirt or dress without reason.

Mom comes running up to Eloise to hug her. Mom's not big on hugs so this is a surprise for me and Eloise both when she does.

"I've missed you so so much El." She wipes her eyes. "I'm so glad you're back."

She hesitates a bit but Eloise hugs her back, with tears streaming down her face and she starts sobbing quietly. I hug the two girls as well, making it kind of a family hug.

We all break down and cry softly, in each other's arms. Talking about how much we missed the other.

We go on like this for a while, making it hard to let go of each other. But when we do, I stare at Eloise until she points forward and I turn to realize that Leo is gone.

He might've left while we were hugging.

"No." I yell. "He escaped. He freaking escaped!"

"It's fine Alex, we'll get him next time we see him." Mom consoles me. "I promise." 

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