Chapter 20: Scurr's Way

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Noah's POV:

"I remember this place." I say as I park behind Evelyn. "I used to live here. It's where I grew up."

"Oh hey, I remember this place, I grew up a little bit here as well, before we moved." Evelyn says.

"Right. I remember that. We moved after our parents..." Norah makes a killing motion, slitting her throat.

I shake my head at Norah, once a child, always a child.

"Norah, do you really have to scare the kids like that?"

"She's not scaring us, and we're not kids dad." Wren says as a matter of factly. She turns back to Eloise.

"Jude is."

"I'm 12."

"Still a kid."

"Tween, technically a pre-teen."

"Still a kid."

"Not really."

"Can you both shut up, if Jeremy's really here, he might hear you two!" Ava whispers.

"Eloise says it's house number 1073." Wren points to a house diagonally left from her.

"Let's go then." Jude leads the way.

I grab his arm. "I'm the oldest, you're the youngest, back of the line."

Jude mutters before going to the back.

"Don't be so sassy Jude." I say.

"I'm not being sassy, just being myself, ok? There's a difference."

"I don't see a difference." Wren says.

"How dare you-"

"Shut up or I will make you shut up." Norah whispers. "Now come on.

They both shut up immediately and walk behind Norah. She leads the way to house number 1073.

"Ok, we're here. We should split up into groups." Ava counts all of us. "Ok, so there's 9 people here. Let's see."

She counts all of us again, then begins to think.

"Let's see... We need at least one adult in each group, since there's 4 adults, and 9 people, we're gonna have 2 adults in one group. Noah, Jude, and Norah in one group, Alex, Eloise and I in another group. Wren, Charlotte and Evelyn in the third group. Good?"

The group collectively nodded. We split up in different groups, I'm with Jude and Norah.

We all go into the house.

"In one hour, we come back into this room. No more." Evelyn says.

We all go our separate ways, promising to come back in an hour.

Wren's POV:

We all have our flashlights, just in case we stray away from each other.

"We have to stay close to each other." Charlotte says

"Duh, I'm not going to stay alone in this house." Evelyn answers.

I hear a clattering from below me. I turn my head slightly to the side, and down to hear something.

"Did you hear that?" I say.

"Yeah." They both answer quietly.

"I'm gonna go check it out." I say.

"Are you kidding me, do you have a death wish?" Evelyn whisper yells

"Well, no. But I have to know what that was, what if it was Jeremy?" I say.

"What if it was some serial killer?"

"I'm with Wren on this one. It could be Jeremy." Charlotte says.

"You aren't listening to me."

"You could either come with us or stay here all alone Evelyn."

Charlotte and I move closer to the sound. After a couple of seconds, I see Evelyn beside me.

A couple of minutes pass and we hear nothing. But we still go downstairs.

Minutes go by again, and I hear another clattering sound but it's from the opposite direction. I look in that direction.

"Was that in another direction?" Evelyn asks.

"I think so." I whisper.

I move closer to the sound again.

"Wren, are you crazy?" Charlotte whispers. "The sound was this way!"

"It's now this way." I say.

It's almost been an hour since we last heard the sound again. Charlotte Evelyn and I have split up now cause the sound was coming in two different ways. Evelyn and Charlotte are together, I'm alone. I'm not sure what they decided to do, but I think they also split up as well.

They went downstairs while I went the opposite direction. It sounded like it's coming from the entrance but I'm not sure. So I went to the entrance but there was nothing there. I checked everywhere triple times just to make sure.

I am now going downstairs to Evelyn and Charlotte. I reach the stairs leading down and take a deep breath before moving cause I am not sure what I'm gonna find in there, but I wanna be prepared. Like, really prepared.

I take a couple more deep breaths and mentally prepare myself again. I am scared but I'm doing this for my mother. Every clue that I've found has led up to this moment. Every exhausting night, every day I've had to go to school and pretend like I wasn't solving a mystery. It's all for her.

I walk downstairs and turn left to see a door leading into a basement. I brace myself for impact and quickly open the door.

The first thing I see, Charlotte tied to a chair and her mouth gagged. She's muffled. I don't know what she's saying but where's Evelyn? Surely she didn't leave Charlotte alone, did she?

"Charlotte!" I scream and run to her. "What happened? Who did this to you?"

She widens her eyes and muffles again, trying to tell me something.

I take the gag out and she starts to speak but it's a moment too late. I feel something in my head. Something cold.

"Put your hands up and step away from the girl." A gruff voice says.

I put my hands where he can see them and I am afraid to turn around.

"Turn around." I don't move but he hardens the object against my skull. "I said turn around. NOW!"

So I do, I turn around swiftly, my forehead meeting the gun. That's what that was. A gun. Wait, a gun! 

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