Chapter 8: Groundations

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Wren's POV:

It's Saturday now, which means it's been three days since I last saw Dad talking to another woman. I didn't know what she was doing there, and I was just about to find out but my phone rang at the last second and I didn't wanna get caught so I went someplace else to take it. It was a really long call, which also meant that by the time I went back to the house the woman was no where to be seen.

After I looked around for the woman, I started walking to who knows where and ended up on a bench near a park. Nothing happened, but after a while I realized I was late getting home and forgot to tell Dad that I wouldn't be home till later that night and he freaked out.

Also it didn't help the fact that my phone was on silent the whole time and he kept calling me but I never picked up.

Which then resulted in him calling the police and having the whole family freak out. And I mean the whole family - cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents – you name it.

When they still couldn't find me, they got split up into 2 groups. A police officer in both groups, Dad's group along with Jude and Asher, found me just sitting on a bench. After that I had gotten a huge scolding, from both Dad and Grandma who was on the phone for some reason.

My Grandma doesn't know how to use a phone so I'm really confused on how she's calling us right now. Like really confused.

Worst part was that I could hear my siblings laughing through their closed doors, even though my room was also closed.

I think we need new walls.

Nevermind that, back to the bracelet. Where did I see that thing again? Ugh I have to look for it again.

No, now I have to use the bathroom, I haven't used it all day and it's coming to bite me in the back. I get up from my room and go past Mom's scrapbooking room cause the bathroom is past that. But before I can fully go in the bathroom I hear something from Mom's scrapbooking room.

I walk slowly but quietly to the room and listen in.

I hear papers ruffling everywhere.

Curiosity gets the better of me, luckily I don't have to use the bathroom right away, so I peek through the door, which was left ajar.

Mother never lets anyone go into that room. Ever. I don't know why and everytime I ask her, she changes the subject and pretends like I didn't say anything.

Dad just came back into my room and told me I'm grounded. I forget to call him one time and I'm grounded? He also says I have to get along with my siblings because I'm too lazy. Especially Jude, who I don't like for reasons I don't know.

For as long as I can remember Jude and I have been fighting a lot. It doesn't help that I'm trying to be a better sister sometimes and he just has a go at me, even when I'm just sitting there minding my own business.

"I don't know why I have to talk to you, I'm not the one who got lost or grounded." Jude says.

I give him an incredulous look. Which he shoots back to me straight after. Except it looks like he's constipated. Which doesn't help, cause I burst out laughing the next minute.

He looks at me confused and asks, "What? What's so funny?"

"Your face!" I scream and laugh a little louder at that, making me snort.

He laughs as well then says with a straight face, "That's not funny."

Asher then walks into the living room, his eyes going from Jude to me and back and forth multiple times. He stares at me a little longer, probably wondering why I'm laughing but choosing not to talk about it and walking back to his room, closing his room's door after.

I stop laughing and I just stare at the wall for what feels like 15 minutes, and because I don't have my phone I can't pass the time with that.

I'm not sure what to do now. Jude and I don't get along like the rest of my siblings and I do. We fight mostly, did I mention that?

I have no idea what I'm supposed to do now. I'm back in my room and Dad has taken all of my electronics. My laptop and phone are included. He's not strict about us using our phones and laptops but he will remind us to take a break every couple hours. Which I do!

I'm sitting on my bed, counting the loose threads on my bed sheet. "192, 193. 194." God this is boring!

The door opens and Dad walks in. "It's time for dinner, Wren. Come downstairs and help set the table."

"Why do I have to Dad?"

"Cause you're grounded and this is part of your punishment." He says simply, raising one eyebrow.

"Can I be grounded for 1 week instead, please Dad!"

"No, I've grounded you for a month and that's how it's gonna stay, now come help me."

"Two weeks! Just two weeks then?"

"No, and if you ask again you will be grounded for longer!"

With that, I sigh and get up to go set the table for dinner. Of course, I'm the only one who has to.

I roll my eyes and get to stacking the plates, cups, and utensils on the table. Then Dad sets a big pot of stew in the middle of the table.

"Eww! That smells bad." I scrunch my nose in disgust.

"Stop making that face and call your siblings for dinner."

I yell at my siblings for lunch.

"Well, I could've done that." Dad mumbles.

"Why didn't you then?" I say.

"Don't be so cocky."

"Maybe I wouldn't have been if you hadn't grounded me, Dad."

"Just sit down and wait for your dinner."

I do as he says and sit down at my designated chair then wait patiently for dinner... My siblings start walking into the dining room and sit in their designated chairs as well.

"What's for dinner?" Jude asks as he looks into the steaming pot. "Eww, why does that smell bad?"

"What are you talking about, I think it smells OK," Dad says. "Everybody help yourself to a serving."

I pour stew into my bowl, then everybody follows through and does the same after a few hesitant seconds.

Everything is quiet until Jude starts humming and Asher asks a question.

"Hey Dad, can I borrow your car for tomorrow?"

"Why do you need a car?"

"I'm just gonna drive around."

"Take Evelyn's, I'm gonna be home late tomorrow, I'm working a night shift for a friend of mine."

"What! No way! Asher is not taking my car. I won't let him." Evelyn speaks up.

"Evelyn, your mother and I got you that car for driving to work, and since you don't have work tomorrow, Asher can borrow it."

"Dad, that's not fair! He always messes things up, he's gonna mess my car as well."

"No, I'm not!"

"No, he's not. See? He's not going to mess it up. He's taking your car, end of discussion."

Everybody falls silent at the last three words of Dad's. Whenever he says 'end of discussion.' It usually means that he doesn't want to argue anymore and we should listen to him or he'll get really aggressive.

We eat — or drink. I don't know — our stew in silence. Time passes by slowly.

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