Chapter 3: How It Happened

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???'s POV:

"For what reason would I listen to you?" Said a boy's voice.

"Why? Because you owe me." However, this time the voice belonged to a girl.

"I won't help you in completing this."

Well, I guess I'll tell her everything now. How you-"
"Okay, ok! When?"

"We must complete this task tomorrow; there is no turning back." She replies as she slams the door behind him.

*The following day*

"Are you prepared?" Says a voice on the other end of the phone.

I take a moment to think before responding. "Yes."

"Good." I put my phone away once he hangs up.

I packed my bag with everything I needed, including the items she insisted I bring, double-checked everything, and then left the house, closing the door behind me.

I sighed, there was no turning back now. In a short while, I arrive at her home. Since we don't live too far apart, I walked.

I walk over to his door and rap on the frame. A girl eventually unlocks the door and welcomes me inside a little while later.

"Piper, good morning. How are you doing today?" I say.

"Good morning, not awful at all," Piper responds.

"Are the children in school?"

"Charlotte and Wren are just waiting for Evelyn. You know how she is, what with all those trends going on nowadays."

"Oh, absolutely. I know Evelyn. Quite a personality she has."

"Yeah. Would you want a cup of tea? I was about to make some." She asks.

"Sure, thanks for asking," I respond.

"Bye, Mom, I'm going now." Just before she closes the door, Evelyn says something, which I overhear.

A few moments later, Piper walks into the living room with a tray that has 3 cups of tea, and a plate with cookies.

"Here you go." She says. "Noah! Tea's ready, come downstairs."

"I will be downstairs shortly."

I get a text message on my phone: It's now or never.

"I seem to have misplaced my phone, can you come help me look for it, Pip love?" He yells down.

"Of course." Piper makes her way upstairs.

Another ding, I unlock it and look at my phone: Now. Do it now!

I reach into my bag and take out a small piece of poison. I hesitate before pouring it into her drink. I sigh.

I'm sorry, Piper, but I didn't want to do this. The voice in my head starts talking.

"Oh, found it, it was on my bed, sorry for wasting your time, hon."

"It was no big deal, I'm always looking for your phone."

He and Piper make their way downstairs and take their seats on the couch. I hand them both their tea, being careful as to which one I put the poison in.

"Thank you, dear, but I always like to eat the cookies first." Piper exclaims.

"Cookies dipped into tea is the best thing you'll ever taste. It is the most delicious." I say.

"Personally, I've always liked my cookies dry, it gives them that crunchy taste, don't you think?" She asks, while biting into a cookie.

I get another message: Where did you put the poison?

I message back: In the tea.

I look up from my phone and notice him glaring at me.

"Piper, do you know where the jams are? I couldn't find any yesterday." He asked. "These always taste better with jam."

"I'll go get them." She responds as she walks to the kitchen.

He rushes up to me, asking for the poison packet, reaching for the cookie and dipping it in the package, then spreading it over to make it look like sugar.

Piper returns and places the jam on the coffee table. She takes a large bite out of her cookie.

We're both looking at her.

"Wha-" she asks as her head hits the back of the sofa.

He pauses for a bit then goes to another room to make a police call.

While he's gone, I take Piper's favorite bracelet, grab a knife and carve out some words. But I couldn't finish writing, as I soon hear his footsteps and quickly put the bracelet back on her before he notices the bracelet in my hand.

"I'll be back." I say as I get up, making my way to Piper's scrapbooking room. I take out a piece of paper and write out the same words as I did on her bracelet.

But before I can hide it, he appears in the doorway, takes one look at the paper in my hands. Then grabs it in 2 quick strides and rips it to throw it out into the garbage bin.

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