Chapter 9: Nightmares

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Evelyn's POV:

I don't know how it happened.

How Mom died, I mean.

All I know is that I left the room so that Wren could talk to Mom and minutes later I hear Wren saying 'emergency'. I heard her shouting and crying.

I wanted to go back in there. I did. But Dad pulled me back as the doctors went in and shooed Wren out of the room.

I'm in my room now. I can't believe Dad just gave away my car to Asher. I'm the one who paid for it, I should use it. But no, Asher needs it to drive around tomorrow.

Dad never takes extra shifts for anyone, even his friends so I know he was lying. But why would he lie about that? Is he hiding something? I have to find out. I was going to use my car but Asher needs it tomorrow, apparently. So I'll be walking I guess.

Or I could ask one of my friends for their car. I don't know, I'll have to think about it, which now that I do, I think walking is better, I need the exercise anyway.

I think about going to sleep early so I can follow Dad to his workplace and see if he's really 'working late' or if he's lying. But I can never go to sleep right away, so I can try to sleep early but I doubt I'll get much sleep.

I close my phone and get ready for bed. I take my makeup off and shower. After I shower I brush my teeth and change into jammies. Then I'm about to set my alarm clock on my phone when Wren comes in.

"Hey, Evelyn." She says, coming into the room.

"What do you want?" I say. "And did I say you could come in?"

"Sorry." She moves back a few steps. "Did you think it was weird at dinner today?"

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"That conversation between you, Dad, and Asher? The one about him borrowing your car tomorrow. He gave away your car when he said he was working late for an extra shift for his friend." Wren raises her eyebrows.

"I know what conversation you mean, Wren."

"Ok, well you coulda stopped me. Don't you think it was weird though? Dad never takes over a shift for someone, not even his friends."

"I know what Dad does or doesn't do, Wren. And I get what you mean though. It is suspicious." I say.

Somebody knocks on the door.

"Who is it?" Wren and I yell out at the same time. I glare at her as if saying 'My room, not yours!'

"It's Charlotte." She calls out. "Can I come in?"

"Come in." I sigh.

"So whatcha talking about?" Charlotte asks.

"None of your business," I say

"About Dad," Wren says.

Ugh. I facepalm, Wren tells Charlotte everything.

"Go ahead, tell her." I grit my teeth in Wren's direction.

"What about Dad?"

"About how weird he was during dinner tonight," Wren reveals. "The part where he said he was taking a shift for a friend."

"True, that was weird. He never does that. Plus he doesn't have to work over time, we're rich." Charlotte agrees. "Actually, I came to talk to you two about him as well."

"I was actually gonna go to sleep early tonight so I can follow him to work and see what he's up to. If you want you can come with me?"

"I can't, Dad's forcing me to go to school tomorrow. He said if I don't go, he's gonna take me there in my pajamas, and I'm not letting anybody see that." Wren says.

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