Chapter 30: Fight

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Alex's POV:

"She what?" I ask Wren.

"She picked up a call from a stranger, who told her that he had her number from years ago which was written on a sticky note because someone gave it to him," Wren says, pacing around my living room. "Which I don't get, by the way. How do you just remember about a phone number that you got years ago, not knowing if it would belong to the same person my mother told him?"

"He said he stumbled across the number on a piece of sticky note. Probably didn't even remember it until he found the note." I shrug. "People forget Wren, it's not that deep."

"I know, but if a random woman came up to me and gave me a random number, I don't think I'd forget. I'd call that number as soon as possible too." She sighs and rubs her temple.

"Maybe this Ben guy is a forgetful person? Or maybe when he got home it was night and he was too tired to do anything so he just put the sticky note away and went to sleep, forgetting about it in the morning," I say, pointing out.

"A random phone number given to me by a random woman would be stuck in my head forever," She replies.

"Yeah, but that's you, Wren. Not him." I walk in front of her and stop her from pacing. "I think," I add.

"Does it matter?"

"Uh, yes. Everyone is different Wren."

"If that was true, I wouldn't have the same exact opinion of other people, Alex."

I close my eyes in annoyance. We've gone way off-topic now. I need to bring her back. "Wren, please. Tell me more about this man that called Evelyn."

For an hour and a half, she went on a talk rampage about a dude she barely knew. About how he just called a stranger without thinking. About how he's so careless. About how he never thinks of the consequences I mean, how does she know? She talked to the boy like 2 and a half hours ago.

Well, I mean Evelyn talked to the boy, but Wren was listening. And just because people are listening, doesn't mean they are. From what she tells me about the boy, er Ben, I should say, is he's a nice guy. There's nothing wrong with him.

At least I don't think so.

"...there's this shaking feeling, that I don't like. He was so happy and cheerful. I mean, nobody is that cheerful."

I groan. "Wren, stop. What's it to you if he's happy and cheerful, that's just how he is."

"Still, I don't like it. I don't like it one bit, Alex. I don't trust him."

I roll my eyes. "You don't trust anyone."

"I trust you."

"I'm your cousin!"

"I didn't know that at the time," Wren says.

"Nobody did." I retort.

"Exactly, you've proved my point."

"How is me being your cousin, proving your point?" I ask

"It just does." She shrugs.

I slap my palm to my forehead, something I see my mother doing whenever Dad says something.

"Just because he's happy and cheerful doesn't mean something's wrong!" I tell her. "You just don't have enough positivity to realize that it's actually ok to be that cheerful."

She tilts her head back. And laughs. She actually laughs. Wow, I've never heard her laugh.

"Nobody is that cheerful Alex—"

"Didn't think you were a laughter."

Wren rolls her eyes. "You're insufferable, you know that? I don't know why I put up with you."

"Because I'm your cousin and we live so close to each other." I point out.

"Which also means I have no choice."

"I don't either. You think I want to be in the same school as you? Or live so close to you?"

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