Alt. Ending I Didn't Want to Write

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When they leave, Storm ushers her family inside and locks the door. She doesn't bother dousing the fire, preferring it to stay burning.

She paces in front of the window as she cries, for whatever reason pacing helps her cry better. She briefly glances out the window and sees movement by the fire. She stops pacing entirely and wipes the tears from her eyes. There's definitely something still out there.

She rushes from the window to the bedroom where she keeps the semiautomatic shotgun Wilder got her for her birthday. It's already loaded with buckshot.

She goes and locks every window in the house and brings the kids into the living room. Every door is shut, bedroom, closet, and bathroom. Whatever is outside has her stressed out, top that with Wilder being taken away, likely forever, and she's struggling to keep herself from completely coming unraveled. So much for Uncle Sam's perfect soldier.

She paces back and forth in front of the window with her gun clutched tightly in her hands. Whatever is lurking outside can't be good and likely will try to cause problems.

"Momma Stom." Storm stops her pacing to look at Eva. "Can you help me change?" Eva points to her pee soaked pants. "Of course I can." It doesn't take her more than a few minutes to fully change Eva into pajamas.

"There," Storm pats the girl's shoulder, "now why don't you try to sleep on the couch?" Eva crawls onto the couch opposite of the side Theodore is sleeping on. With Eva changed and going to bed, Storm goes back to pacing endlessly.

When Eva wakes up in the morning she accidentally rolls off of the couch onto the hard floor and lets out a cry of pain. Storm is up from the table in an instant. She's bleary eyed but ready to fight. "Owie!" Eva rubs her knee that hit the floor. "Are you okay?" Storm is by her side and looking at her knee with worry. "It hurts." She whines. Using her knowledge of what Wilder would do in this situation, Storm gives the bruised knee a kiss. Eva smiles at her and tells her it already feels better.

Now that Eva is calmed down and has waken up Theodore, Storm goes about changing his diaper and clothes. After he's changed she sets him in his chair and starts making him and Eva some breakfast.

"Wawawa!" Eva sings as she plays with her favorite toy. "Momma Stom?" Eva stops playing and walks up to Storm who's cutting up bananas. Storm pauses and looks down at Eva. "When is Daddy coming home?" Her words cause Storm to wince. "I'm not sure." She tells Eva honestly. "I want my Daddy." Eva whines. "I want your Daddy too."

Storm finishes cutting up the bananas and then fills a sippy cup with water. She places both of them in front of Theodore and he chows down. Eva on the other hand chows down on her favorite bowl of cereal.

Wilder is the one who normally does all the child care so Storm can't help but be proud that she's taken care of the kids by herself.

The sound of claws scratching on the door remind Storm that Patches exists and needs to go out to go potty. She lets him out and watches from the door as he does his business. When he's done he scampers back inside and lays under the table.

"Can I have more milk please?" Eva asks once she's finished her bowl of cereal. Storm grabs a clean cup from the cupboard before going to grab the milk from the fridge. A card on the door catches her eye. It's Paul's business card. Paul could help save Wilder from the High Council!

All thoughts of giving Eva a glass of milk are abandoned as she tears the card off the door and bolts for the phone. She hurries to unlock her phone and type Paul's number in. It takes five rings before Paul answers.

"Paul, you have to help Wilder!"

It takes Paul a few seconds to process who's called him and what exactly they're talking about.

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