"He would die for you, literally."

91 3 10

Saturday August 13th 2011


I woke up and the tv was off. It was just Danielle and i in the room so i stood up and shook her awake and wandered to find everyone. The house was empty so i ran upstairs to Bill's room and most of his clothes were gone.

Danielle shouts my name from downstairs so i run down and she's holding a piece of paper. It was wrote in neat handwriting. I feel tears coming on after i read it and Dani hugs me.

'I'm so sorry Ezra, i should've told you but i got distracted with everything. You, your friends, the band just us hanging out and i completely forgot to tell you. We've left for a tour and we'll be gone a year and a half, we're going round the world. You can stay in our house if you want, all the keys are there. I left money for you so spend it wisely, also my friends number is on the other side of this note if you ever need anything call her. Please forgive me and still love me by the end of the tour. I know i'll love you for eternity like i promised i just hope you feel the same. I'll see you soon my girl.

- Love Bill'

"Tour!? He's going on a tour and he 'forgot' to tell me!?" I scream and Danielle still holds me trying to calm me down and stop me. I feel myself go numb and i'm crying in Danielle's arms. How could he do this? Surely everyone else would've told me? Not just him?

He knows i'm leaving for LA soon right? I can't stay in Germany forever. Maybe i could wait for him, ask Zach to stay with me in their house.

"There's no real love in him, especially if he could something like this." I say in between cries and sniffles but Dani shakes her head. "He loves you so much Ezra. He would die for you, literally." She says kissing my head making me cry harder.


I didn't wanna wake her cause she'd try to stop me from leaving, i couldn't bare seeing the betrayal on her face when i told her so i wrote a note. I sat alone on the flight to London hoping she would forgive me for just leaving her like that.

I know i would forgive her, only for Ezra, no one else. I wouldn't blame her if she doesn't forgive me but i pray she does. I fall asleep on the plane ride there lost in my own thoughts and dreams.


"Hey dad! Look what i can do!!" I little girl says, she looks no older than 5 or 6. Wait did she just call me dad? She starts doing cartwheels everywhere and Ezra walks out of a little cottage holding a kid no older than 2. He looked like a mini me.

"Hey honey, you ok?" Ez says and kisses my cheek. I nod my head i'm confusion shrugging it off. She takes the little girl and boy inside so i follow.

I walk in but the room changes, it goes from a beautiful big room with stairs to a dark hallway with someone hanging at the end of it. I start screaming and crying when i see Ezra hanging there, a bloody knife on the floor, the kids from before now had their necks sliced open and were looking me right in the eyes.

There was a note on the table. I read it and cried harder.

'Bill, this was your fault. I went crazy because of you. You were gone for a year and a half so i killed our children and myself. It's all your fault. I hope you understand that one day, what you do next is up to you.

Goodbye my love,
- Ezra'

I tried to cry but nothing came out. I felt hands shaking me and grabbing me faint shouts of my name could be heard. Then her screams filled my head, i opened my eyes and i was back on the plane.

"Bill! Bill what happened?" Tom says calming me down. "Ju- Just a bad dream, that's all." I say and stand up grabbing my bag and getting off the plane, the rest of the boys finally follow and we walk into the airport.

My hands were shaking and my heart was racing. It all felt so real, like i was actually there, like it was supposed to happen. I tried not to over think it but it wouldn't leave my mind.

The band looks worried for me, mostly Tom, as we drive to the hotel we're staying in. Ezra not answering my calls making me wonder more about the dream. It's just a dream right?


I didn't even bother calling him. I hope he regretted leaving me like this cause i would. I was laying in our bed hugging myself crying hard. I felt so numb, like there was no point anymore.

A glistening emerald caught my eye on my finger and i cried harder. I really wanted this but he left me. I thought we were gonna be fine but i have to wait a year and a half then act like nothing happened.

I couldn't bare the thought of waiting a year and a half but i will. For Bill. I love him to much to just let him go like that so i promised myself to watch every interview, every concert, every video they upload. Everything.

I truly loved Bill Kaulitz and i hoped he loved me.


I promised myself to keep updated on what Ezra is doing all the time. I was willing to wait a year and a half for her whether she was or not.

I loved Ezra Hawthorne with every bone, every heartbeat, every blood cell and every organ in my body. She was my everything. She was like air for me.

I love her and i hope she feels the same.

this was rushed cause i really wanted to finish it.
i can't wait to write the next chapters 🤪🤪
TIME SKIP COMINGGG (that's why i wrote the date)

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