"I do."

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*not proofread*


Today was the day we were meant to get married and i was so fucking nervous. What if something goes wrong? What if he rejects me? I already know i'm going to say 'i do' what if he doesn't say it?

Zach was helping me zip up my dress and i looked into the mirror staring at the women in front of me. "You look perfect Ezzy, don't panic." Zach says turning me around kissing me on the cheek. He fixes up my hair and tells me it's time.

My mom walks into the room smiling at me and Zach's smile fades. "My beautiful daughter, getting married to the mannn of her dreams. 'Oh sweet Bill i love you so much, oh i do i do.' Stupid bitch." she says and i walk over to her slapping her across her face.

"My marriage will never be like yours. Ever." I snap at her and she laughs at me. "Get the fuck away from this wedding so i can enjoy myself." I say and she rolls her eyes waddling out of the room almost falling over knocking into a table.

"I'm so-" Zach tries to say but i shush him and tell him i'm ready. He holds my hand and walks me to a fancy car. An emerald Ferrari. It was beautiful and i squeezed into it smiling wide.

(time skip)

The Ferrari pulls up onto the beach and Zach walks out rushing to my side of the car and opens it letting me out. He takes my hand and links our arms walking me to the isle. "Are you ready sis?" Zach says and i nod.

"Fuck yeah." I say and he smiles at me slowly walking me down the isle.


Zach starts walking Ezra down the isle. She looked stunning and that dress she was wearing matched her perfectly. Her face was covered with and eye to eye smile. The dress sparkles in the sun and she had a flower crown on her beautiful long blond hair.

Ezra's veil dragged behind her making the moment even more real

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Ezra's veil dragged behind her making the moment even more real. She finally reached me and Zach let go of her kissing her cheek smiling.


Bill beautiful in his black suit with a white flower that made his hair glow. His piercings shone in the sunlight and i smiled up at his beautiful face. The officiant tells us to repeat after him and starts talking. Bill goes first.

"I, Bill Kaulitz, take you, Ezra Hawthorne, to be my wife. To have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, to have and to hold, till death so us part."

Then it was my turn.

"I, Ezra Hawthorne, take you, Bill Kaulitz, to be my husband. To have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, to have and to hold, till death so us part."

He smiles at me. Beautifully.

"Do you Ezra Hawthorne take Bill Kaulitz to be your lawfully wedded husband?" He asks and i smile feeling my eyes tearing up.

"I do," And a tear falls from my eye as does Bill.

"Do you Bill Kaulitz take Ezra Hawthorne to be your lawfully wedded wife?" My heart starts racing waiting for an answer and it finally comes.

"I do." And he slips the ring onto my finger, i do the same, and we kiss. This time as a married couple. Ezra Kaulitz. Finally. I loved this man so much it pained me.

(time skip)

We're in our tent and music is playing when the wedding dance finally comes up. Bill holds me perfectly in his arms, making me feel whole and safe. We swayed with the music my dress flowing everywhere as people watched in joy.

Some people started taking some photos so i prayed they got good ones even though i wasn't paying attention to people around me. Today was about Bill. Tomorrow will be about Bill. Forever will be about Bill.

My everything.

(time skip)

Everyone's on the dance floor enjoying themselves when i hear his voice in the microphone. Georg.

"Hello? Attention please everyone!" He says shyly. Oh god what was he doing? "I just wanted to say a little something for the newly wedded couple. Ezra and Bill Kaulitz, my two favourite people. Besides Gustav and Tom of course. Anyway i just wanted to congratulate them and wish them the best life they could possibly have. I love you both. Goodnight." He says smiling at Bill and i.

I mouth thank you and Bill pulls me to the dance floor. Again.

We're dancing and vibing to the music. It was like it was only Bill and i in the room. His eyes were happier than ever tonight and his hair was shining in this light all i could focus on was him. Its like he was the only boy. Ever.

(time skip)

We get home and i beg them to get me out of this dress so they all try and pull me out. Tom runs to Bills room and gives me one of his t-shirts to throw over myself and i do just that.

We all squeeze onto the couch drunk as shit and watch the news. Bill and i were on it.



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Bill and i smile at each other kissing holding each others hands.

I couldn't wait for my future with this man.


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