"Remember, eternity Ezra Hawthorne."

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*not proofread*

Wednesday September 3rd 2011


I missed him so much it hurt. He's called me multiple times i just couldn't bring myself to answer the phone so i watch it ring. They've had a few interviews since they left and in most of them Bill is a lot quieter then he usually is.

Good. I hope he misses me as much as i miss him, my heart aches for him. I loved him so much.

Monday September 8th 2011


I missed Ezra, interviewers asked about us but i tried avoiding the questions going quiet then they're asked. I hoped she was watching them so she knows how i still feel about her.

We had a concert next week and i wasn't ready. I was a mess and the band new it. One mistake and our whole career could be over so i had to try, move forward for a year and a half leaving Ezra behind me but i couldn't.

Thursday 23rd October 2011


I couldn't feel anything. My face, my hands, my eyes, my whole body was aching and numb. Zach came over once and a while to make sure i'm eating and taking care of myself.

Zach hates seeing me like this but i can't help it. It's crazy how one person can change your whole life and lifestyle.

Zach opens my door and walks over to me hugging me tight. "You okay Ezzy?" He says. God i hate that question. I shake my head quickly and feel a little dizzy.

"I miss him Zach." I say with a voice crack and he shushes me stroking my hair and kissing my head, rocking us back and forth stopping me from crying.

Tuesday October 31st 2011


Usually i loved Halloween but this year wasn't it. I can imagine next year will be the same. I waddled off the the bathroom looking into the mirror, i looked awful. My eye bags were hugs and my hair was all knotty and greasy. My hoodie had stains all over it and i'm pretty sure i stank.

I took off all my clothes and got into a hot shower, the water boiling my sensitive skin. It burned but felt good. My skin was bright red and i felt like i was melting but floating at the same time.

I washed my hair and body then got out wrapping my red skin in a white towel. I dry my hair and then walk downstairs eating a bowl of cereal. The house felt empty without their laughs echoing around the rooms.

Friday 13th November 2011


We finished a concert an hour ago and i'm backstage playing with my dark black hair that's now growing more. Tom keeps telling me to dye it another colour to give me more personality so i was actually thinking about doing it.


I loved Friday 13th so i called Zach and he answered panicking but i calmed him down asking if he wanted to come over and watch a movie with me.

We started watching a horror movie and Zach keeps jumping every 10 minutes and it's getting annoying. I get all sensitive all of the sudden but try and calm myself down by watching the movie which worked.

The band was meant to finish a concert an hour ago and i missed it. I felt bad but i didn't mind, it was only one concert. I'll definitely watch the next one though.

Sunday 15th November 2011


I did it. It's not bad, i like it.

Sunday 23rd December 2011


It was almost Christmas and i was getting so many packages, Zach must've told everyone where i'm staying or some people don't know where Tokio Hotel is staying.

Surprisingly, i was excited for Christmas as i live Christmas. I couldn't wait to rip open all the presents and watch movies etcetera. I just wished Bill would be here. This is our second Christmas without each other.

We still have next year's Christmas to miss but hopefully the year after that we'll enjoy Christmas together.

Monday December 25th 2011


I sent Ezra a present to our home with a love note attached to it hoping she'll send something back. Everyone was opening all our presents with joy and i was happy with everything i got. We were like little kids when it came to Christmas and presents.


Zach and I spent all day together and we finally got around to opening presents. I find one from a random location and i know exactly who it's from so i rip it open.

It was a beautiful emerald dress with expensive jewellery. I smiled and saw a note attached so i read it aloud so Zach could hear.

'Ezra, when i saw this i immediately thought of you, in fact i haven't stopped thinking about you for a second i've been away from you. I miss every inch of you and i can't wait to see you again in a year. Well all be coming back around February to March time depending when our last concert and interviews are but i hope you like this present. I didn't expect you to send anything to me but i hope you're ok.

Remember, eternity Ezra Hawthorne.

- Love Bill'

A tear fell down my cheek and even Zach's. "He really does love you Ezra, just know that." He says then he walks out wiping his face and i'm left with my thoughts.

Yet again.

Monday January 1st 2012


It was a new year and Bill was coming back to me next year. I couldn't wait any longer i needed him back right this second. I missed him so much it aches my heart.


I saw a shooting star at 00:00 and i wished she'd forgive me and think about me every night. She probably does after i sent her that dress with the jewellery.

Ezra Hawthorne was my reason to hurry up and finish this tour. I needed her in my arms right now.

sorry pookies ily xx
i might skip more months next chapter otherwise it'll become boring so
hope you enjoy this lemme know bitte 😪 🙏

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