Triage- Your Name In My Body, But Your Heart Isn't Mine

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He always knew it would happen like this.

How could he not when Sing never looked at him twice?

When the older man only saw him as a friend or at most as a little brother?

Rit always knew that he would end up with his heart broken but he couldn't stop himself from loving his soulmate.


Any story you heard about soulmates was about them finding each other and having a beautiful, happy and romantic ending together.

But Rit would never have that, he would need to content himself with being a platonic soulmate to Sing no matter how his heart was slowly falling into pieces as he watched his soulmate be with someone else.

And Rit couldn't even hate Gap, Sing's lover, because he was an amazing person and made Sing happy but it still hurt.

He reached a point where he had wished to die, and he tried to kill himself, but Rit was stopped by a friend of Sing.

Of course that Sing was worried about Rit once he was told about that but it was the worry you showed a friend or sibling and not the one you showed someone you loved like a lover.

No matter what, Rit would never have Sing's heart so he just decided to ignore it and try to be happy even without his soulmate's love.

And if that involved accepting going out of the country for his studies then it was no one's problem but his and his mother's.

The only thing Rit left behind for Sing was a photo of them together and the words 'Your name in my body, but your heart isn't mine'.

That was Rit's goodbye to his soulmate and the second part of his plan to try and move on from Sing.

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