Golden Blood- Liar

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Sky was used to this.

To see his friends bodies full of words that will disappear in a few hours while his remains blank.

He was always teased for it but he never understood why his body being blank was a reason to tease him.

Sky was proud to have a soulmate that never had a reason to lie because yes, those words in his friends' bodies were lies their soulmates had said.

Maybe it would be almost impossible to find his soulmate but Sky didn't care about it since just because he may be soulmates with someone, doesn't mean he will end up falling for and marrying them since his father was soulmates with his head bodyguard and they had a completely platonic relationship.

So, he ignored his friends teasing and continued with his life while hoping that someday he would meet his soulmate.

But everything changed when Sun appeared at his house.

He wasn't used to new people appearing in his life but Sky especially didn't expect the feelings Sun brought with him.

While he would admit that he dated only girls, Sky had already been attracted to boys before but none made him feel like Sun.

It took some time but Sky finally understood that he had fallen for his bodyguard and really no one could blame him for falling for someone like Sun(and Juno would certainly agree with that).

Sky at first was unsure if he should confess but after thinking for a bit he decided that his best option was to do it since it was better to be rejected now instead of living with the hope of being corresponded just to end up having his heart broken.

So he did it, even with fear reigning inside of him Sky did it.

Just to hear Sun say he didn't love him.

Sky bit his lip at that and looked at his hands, trying not to cry.

But he was surprised when he saw his right hand.

Because for the first time in his life, there were words in his body.

Not just any words but the ones Sun had just said to him.

"Liar" Sky said still not looking at Sun

"Khun Sky-" Sun tried to say but Sky looked at him and showed him the words in his right hand

"You are a liar, Sun" he repeats "I hate you for that" he adds and watches the words he just say appear between Sun's neck and shoulder

Sun didn't say and just looked at Sky, unsure what to say.

"I won't force you to admit it" Sky says as he passes his hand softly in the words between Sun's neck and shoulder "But do not lie to me, I will wait as long as it is needed until you are ready to accept my feelings and your own" he adds before kissing Sun's cheek

With that Sky leaves the other boy alone because he knows that Sun loves him and he will wait as long as it is needed for his bodyguard.

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