My School President- Sing me to sleep

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He always had insomnia.

It had been hard to live with it, especially because he needed to be a good student to make his parents proud of him.

The first time he slept for a long time and his rest was peaceful was also the first time he heard his soulmate sing.

His mother had been mad that he fell asleep in the middle of a class but once he told her how he slept peacefully and the cause, she had been happy for him.

Tinn looked forward to meeting his soulmate in person which didn't take long since his soulmate moved to his middle school and also created a YouTube channel.

It had been easy to guess that his soulmate was Sound but it had been hard to make him understand it when he thought of Tinn as a rival at first.

But once he did, the two became close and Sound tried to sing mostly at night or at the end of evening so Tinn could sleep close to normal hours since Tinn was only able to sleep well when Sound sang.

Of course that this became a bit hard when Sound got scouted to become a singer, Tinn was proud of his soulmate and told him to sing whenever he wanted and not restrict himself because of Tinn.

Sound did it and Tinn always watched every show, having finally been able to endure hearing Sound sing without falling asleep even if he still felt a bit drowsy when he did, and was always the first like and comment when Sound posted music in his YouTube channel.

After Sound became famous, they weren't able to meet in person anymore but they messaged everyday even if just to say 'good morning' and 'good night'.

At some point their parents thought that the two would end up dating but Sound and Tinn made a disgusted face when they mentioned that since they saw each other as siblings and nothing more.

So Tinn couldn't be blamed that he jumped into his brother when he saw him during lunch in his high school.

"Ran!" Tinn says grinning as he hugs Sound

"I also missed you, Phob" Sound said also smiling as he hugged Tinn back

"You know him, Tinn?" Tiw asks surprised to see his best friend act like that as was everyone else since they knew Tinn as the serious and responsible school president

"Yes" Tinn said letting go of Sound "Tiw this is my soulmate and brother, Saran" he presents Sound who nods his head at Tiw "Ran this is my best friend, Tiw" he says this time looking at Sound

"It's a pleasure to finally meet you, Phob has mentioned you a lot in our talks" Sound says nodding at Tiw

"Really? I have never heard about you" Tiw says and Sound just laughs at that

"Yeah, we rarely talk about each other to others but from what my manager said it is just us being siblings" Sound says

"Wow, I didn't think that the one trying to close the music club would be soulmate's with a singer" Yo mumbles but it is heard by Sound

"Is it Auntie wanting that, right?" Sound looks at Tinn with a raised eyebrow

"Yeah, I was going to ask if you plan to join the music club since it may make mae be less persistent on it" Tinn says

"If they are any good, I will" is Sound's answer before he turns to Tiw "Has Tinn been sleeping well?"

"He sleeps at least five hours a week" is Tiw's answer and Sound sighs at that

"You should have told me, Phob" Sound says looking at Tinn who pouts

"But you have been working so much and I didn't want to worry you" he mumbles and Sound just shakes his head at that

"It's my job as your soulmate to worry about you especially when you are only able to sleep when I sing, you idiot" Sound said hitting Tinn softly in the head "Come on, let's eat and then I will sing for you to sleep the rest of the lunch time" he adds before dragging Tinn towards where the lunch ladies were as they start talking about something Tiw and the members of the music club can't hear anymore

"I thought you hated Tinn, Gun" Pat says when he notices that Gun looks jealous that Sound and Tinn are so close

"Oh! It seems like Win has a crush on the new student" Por teases Win as he had noticed that Win was the same as Gun

'Well, Sound's arrival will certainly make our last year even more entertaining' Tiw thinks before waving goodbye to Por and going to get good for himself

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