Vice Versa- You Color My World

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Black and white.

That's how Puen's world has been like since he was born.

He watched everyone around him get their world coloured while his remained black and white.

After he turned 18, Puen stopped hoping to meet his soulmate and have his world coloured like everyone else.

Maybe he gave up too soon but since he lost his parents and was left in an orphanage since no other family wanted to take him in, Puen stopped hoping for things.

Now he lives only for his fans and to become a famous actor like his mother always dreamed about.

His world was black and white....until that day.

Puen had just come back to Thailand from filming overseas when he needed to go to the bathroom before being driven from the airport to his house(never home because it was empty of life, color and comfort).

He hadn't even paid attention when he heard someone else enter the bathroom but when the person called him and their eyes met...

An explosion of colors happened.

For the first time in Puen's life he was seeing more colors than black and white.

He was surprised by this and so was the boy in front of him.

"I'm sure you already know but I am Puen" he decides to give the first step and present himself even if he knows the boy in front of him probably already knows who he is

"...I am Talay" the boy mumbles looking at the ground and starting to play with the hat he had in his hands and Puen assumed that was something he did when nervous

"I would love to get to know you" Puen starts as he takes a quick look at his clock to see the time "But I need to leave now so how about we exchange numbers?" he asks and Talay looks surprised at him before blushing

"O-of course!" Talay says quickly grabbing his phone, almost letting it fall with how nervous he was, and Puen has a hard time trying not to laugh at how adorable his soulmate his


It is strange to finally meet them but Puen is sure he will be more than happy to welcome Talay into his life as they get to know each other

"Oh! This is for you!" Talay says as he remembers the hat in his hands as both were about to leave the bathroom

"For me?" Puen asks as he grabs the hat and puts it on

"Yes, I made it myself" Talay says a bit embarrassed before getting closer to Puen so he could adjust the hat to the correct position "I hope you like it" he adds

"I love it" Puen grins as he takes a quick look at the mirror to see how he looks with the hat

Talay offers him a shy smile before they finally part ways.

For the following weeks, they text and call each other at every free moment they have until they are ready to meet again in person.

It was a slow process but they fell in love and got together.

Puen couldn't be more happy than he is, especially when he just came back from getting the engagement ring he commissioned two weeks ago.

He knows Talay will love it because it is a reference to how Talay makes Puen feel and to the script both wrote together to show the world their love story which they are proud of.

'You color my world'

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