ATOTS- Your scar is also mine

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The scar appeared out of nowhere.

Phupha had a normal day at work and when he went to take a shower, he found the scar in the middle of his chest.

It was the first time that a scar appeared on his skin, his soulmate seemed to have been very careful to not gain any scars before.

Of course he went to Nam after he got dressed to ask him if he had any idea what could have originated that type of scar.

"A surgery most probably something to do with the heart" had been Nam's answer but Phupha didn't have much time to think about it when a few hours later he received a call saying that Torfunn had died

Phupha had forgotten about the scar, especially with the sudden arrival of a city boy who came to teach the kids.

He hadn't been happy with Tian's arrival which was too soon after Torfunn left but he couldn't do anything about it except keep an eye on him and hope he would go away soon.

Or so he had thought before.

Before he saw the scar on Tian's chest that night.

It was exactly like his just a bit more red which made him realize that the surgery hadn't happened too long ago.

That boy, who he considered weak and spoiled, had come to their village for god knows why before the scar in his chest had completely healed.

That made him curious about why Tian was in their village and if it was connected to the scar they both shared.

He hadn't been thinking of asking Tian about them being soulmates but Nam, after Phupha told him about it, recommended him to do it so he did.

"Can I ask the origin of the scar in your chest?" Phupha asked once all the kids had gone home and only rested him and Tian

"W-what?" Tian asks in shock and Phupha could understand it since it was by pure luck that he had seen it

"That night when you got drunk, I saw the scar" Phupha says and Tian looked to the ground at that

Phupha let him have his time thinking if he would or not answer him, which went until they arrived at the small house where Tian was residing.

"Come in, I will tell you" Tian says so softly that if Phupha hadn't been used to listening to keep an ear out for any sound, he wouldn't have heard it

So the two enter the house, Tian makes tea for them before he sits in front of Phupha.

"I have had heart problems since I was a little kid" Tian starts "Neither me, my parents or sister knew when my heart would just give up so I tried to live up to their dreams and what others thought was a fulfilling life" Phupha doesn't take his eyes of Tian, taking attention to every little movement and change in his expression "I started studying engineering like my mother wanted, take attention to my father's company, went to parties, drunk like it was my last day, went to casinos, etc" Tian sighs as he thinks of his previous life "I was never happy even when with my family or best friend. I really hated my life especially because my family treated me like glass that would break at minimum use of a little bit of force" Tian played with his tea for a bit before he continued "Until my last party, I had made a bet with some guy and I was about to race him but I started feeling dizzy" Phupha raised an eyebrow when he saw Tian hold the mug with more strength "I really hate the decision I took then"

"Why?" Phupha asks

"Because someone died" Tian says and Phupha looks surprised

"What do you mean?" Phupha asks wanting to understand what Tian meant better

"I was not an idiot so I gave my car keys to a friend so he could race in my place" Tian starts "I passed out not too soon after that and was taken to the hospital because of my heart problems" he took a deep breath "I had to have a heart transplant at the moment or I would die....maybe it would have been better if I did" Tian says whispering the last part which shocked Phupha because Tian looked like a bright person and not someone who wished to die but maybe that explained why he came to the village while still healing from a surgery "There were no donors who were compatible with me until a victim of an hit and run came in and died just as she entered the hospital" Phupha raised an eyebrow at the specific mention of the gender of the victim but also how Tian knew that "She was a perfect match and had said signed the permit that let her be an organ donor in case she died. So her heart was given to immediately to me with help of my father's money" Tian looked at Phupha and he could see that Tian was trying not to cry before he got up

Phupha observed as Tian went to his bag and grabbed something that looked familiar and brought it to the table.

"Thanks to my best friend I found out who my heart donor was" Tian mumbles as he gives what he picked up to Phupha

He looked in shock at the diary in Tian's hand, Phupha knew very well who was the owner of said diary.

"Torfunn" Phupha mumbles in shock and Tian nods his head at that

"Her heart now resides in my chest" Tian says as he touches the place where the scar is "And I am also at fault that she died since it was my car who did it even if it was my friend who was driving it" he mumbles and Phupha doesn't know what to say or do with the information he was given

He had thought he was ready for whatever information Tian would give him about the scar but he really hadn't been ready for this.

While at the time he was mad at whatever may have led to his friend dying, knowing the truth made him sad that Tian was living with the guilt of things he had no choice or fault at while those who should feel like that were probably living their life free of any guilt.

"It's not your fault" Phupha decides to say because it was the truth, there was no way that Tian would know what would happen


"No buts Tian" Phupha says serious "You had no idea what would happen and it shouldn't be you feeling guilty for what happened to Torfunn but your friend" he adds and Tian bites his lip "Come here" Phupha calls and Tian looks confused at him but gets closer to Phupha who hugs Tian when he is close enough

"C-chief?!" Tian says surprised

"Believe me, we won't blame you for what happened and neither would Torfunn if she was here" Phupha says as he plays with Tian hair who slowly relaxes into Phupha's arms and hugs him back

"...Thanks" Tian mumbles into Phupha's chest

"You are a very strong and kind person to continue trying to live even if you wished to leave this world and trying to right wrongs that aren't even yours" Phupha says "I'm proud to be able to call you my soulmate" he adds kissing Tian's head

"...Soulmate?" Tian says looking up at Phupha in shock and confusion

"Yes, soulmate" Phupha says and softly pushes Tian a bit away before unbuttoning his shirt to show the exact copy of Tian's scar in his chest "Your scar is also mine"

Tian just looks at the scar before touching it softly while he still digests that he and Phupha are soulmates.

" don't really mind being my soulmate?" Tian asks in a whisper as if he couldn't believe that Phupha was proud of being his soulmate after Tian just told him his biggest secret

"No, as I said before I am happy to be soulmates with someone so strong and kind" Phupha says bringing Tian back to a hug

They stay like that until it is time for dinner to which they have to leave the little house.

"...I'm also happy to be your soulmate, chief" Tian softly says before they leave his house and Phupha grabs Tian hand and starts making his way towards everyone is having dinner

During dinner and until Phupha takes Tian back to his little house, they don't let go of each other's hand and ignore the curious and teasing looks from everyone else as both were just happy to have such an amazing soulmate as the other.

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