Moonlight Chicken- I Never Heard Him But I Still Loved Him

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He knew he was an idiot.

He should have known that he would end up with a broken heart no matter how much he loved him.

Maybe his brothers were right, Alan loved others too much but didn't love himself enough.

So it really wasn't surprising that he would end up crying for someone who probably never really loved him and just wanted some company to not be alone.

Alan was unable to hear since he hadn't met his soulmate yet and Wen had said he didn't care about it but now, Alan knows he was lying.

It hurt seeing Wen so happy and free while talking to Jim, when he never looked like that when he had been with Alan.

Maybe Alan was too much or it was that he wasn't Wen's soulmate but he knew for sure that Wen would have never been able to love him as much as he seemed to love Jim.

He was the past and someone to be used when Jim was the future and someone to be loved.

God, it was so painful to realize all this when even now he still loved Wen.

With a sigh Alan got up and left some money on the table to pay for his food and went home, never looking back since he knew it would only hurt him even more.

Alan needed to get away from this place to heal his heart...if that could ever be possible.

So, he made the decision to go visit his little brother who was in his first year of university and had offered Alan to stay with him and his boyfriend if he ever needed.

"P'Alan?" Ayan says surprised when he opens the door to see his brother-in-law

"N'Aye" Alan says trying to smile to Akk's boyfriend but he was unable to do it

"Come on in" Ayan says looking worried "We were just watching a movie in the living room" he adds and after taking his shoes off, Alan follows him to the living room

"P'Alan!" Akk says when he sees Alan right behind Ayan "Are you okay?" he adds when he notices that Alan doesn't look well

"...I never heard him but I still loved him" is the only thing Alan is able to say before tears start running down his face and he is soon hugged by his brother and brother-in-law who understood what he meant

Maybe Alan would never find someone to love him like a lover, but he knew his family would always love him and be there for him.

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