Hidden Love- Maybe in our next life I will be able to ask you on a date

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Imagine only finding out that the only boy you ever loved was your soulmate when you both are dying.

Wit wasn't surprised as to why his parents said that finding your soulmate was a cursed thing.

Either you found out when you were dying, when your soulmate was dying or when you were both dying as it was in Wit's case.


That was the name of Wit's long time crush and, as he just found out soulmate.

They had gone to the same university and faculty but never officially met since Win was always with Kaew, a popular girl in their faculty, so Wit assumed they were together or that Win wouldn't want to associate with him.

Despite all that, Wit found his eyes always following Wim whenever they were in the same place and soon he found himself falling for a boy he had only talked to once in his life.

Pretty unlucky for Wit especially when after they graduated, he only heard of Win in news where they talked about him becoming the owner of an engineering company and model.

But for some reason, Wit's feelings for him were still there and never went away.

So of course, Wit accepted going to the party their classmates and seniors were making so they could all meet again and talk about what they had been doing with their lives, all just in hope to see Win again.

And really, how could Win go on with a normal life having my stupid last words in his neck?

You know, while I may have thought about how I would die I never thought it would be in a plane right beside my crush...

For fuck's sake, his words were so cringy and if he had been Win he would have hidden them fr the world because of embarrassment.

But no, Win for some unknown reason always showed them proudly and didn't even let those he modelled for to erase the words with photoshoot.

God, if Wit knew those were his last words then he would have made anything to become mute.

And, to make it worse, Win's words on his wrist were so fucking sweet.

Maybe in our next life I will be able to ask you on a date.

Seriously, how did Win fall for the mess that Wit is? God must have been feeling kind when he chose Win as Wit's soulmate.

"What is my beautiful soulmate thinking about?" a voice asks as Wit feels someone hug him from behind

"Just what lead to us being here" Wit answers trying to hide how his face got red at Win's gesture

"You mean beside dying and being unable to move on since I am worried about my best friend and you about your little brother?" he offers and Wit glares at him

"Stop being an idiot" Wit said "I am talking about...our relationship" he adds and Win laughs before kissing Wit's neck softly

"I should have really asked you out when we were in university but I am happy that we are together now even if it is as ghosts" Win says as he puts his head on Wit"s shoulder

"Me too" Wit hums as he relaxes into his lover and both watch Tha's fanboy trying to flirt with him while said fanboy's friends watched from the back

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