The Eclipse- You will have to deal with me for 59 more years

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His time was close.

He would die soon and he would do it before he even got the chance to meet his soulmate.

Namo knew he had always been unlucky but he never thought it would be so bad to this point.

And the worst thing about this? His parents don't care that their only kid is going to die soon and just continue with their lives as normal.

Namo could excuse Ayan, Thua, Akk and the other prefects since he never showed them his mark but it still hurt that none of them noticed how Namo was acting like he was happy these last days.

Sometimes he caught himself thinking if he had already met his soulmate, if they would give him a bit of their time or just watch him die like he was nothing like everyone else was doing.

Those were some sad and dark thoughts but he didn't have any reason to try and be positive.

Especially when his only crush liked their teacher and was probably straight and not bisexual like Namo always wished for.

God, Namo was really only born to be unlucky and die alone.

He was so distracted in his depressing thoughts that he didn't notice Wat until the other boy sat beside him.

"Hey, Namo!" Wat says grinning

"Hi" Namo mumbles, not feeling good enough to keep his act of being happy

"What's wrong?" Wat asks looking worried at Namo who just sighs

"I'm tired" Namo answers, not looking at Wat since he may end up crying in his crush's arms and that wouldn't be a good thing even if he will die soon

"Tired? Of what?" Wat asks sounding confused since their last few weeks of classes have been much better than the previous ones

"Who knows" Namo hums, choosing to not really answer Wat because he didn't want the other boy's pity

"Namo, please tell me what is wrong" Wat says as he grabs Namo's shoulder to make him look at him but he freezes when he notices the numbers that had been hidden by Namo's uniform all this time "...You are going to die tomorrow?" he asks in shock and Namo sighs

"Yes, I am" Namo says taking Wat's hand from his shoulder and composes the uniform

"Why didn' you tell us?!" Wat asks as his eyes show how hurt he is by this but Namo can't understand how this hurts the other boy since they aren't close

"Why should I? No one has ever cared before that I was going to die at seventeen and even then, it's not like any of you can change my fate" Namo answers expressionless

" really think that?" Wat asks and Namo nods because of course he loved them but he was sure they wouldn't sacrifice anything for him like he would for them "We care about you, Namo" he says but Namo finds it hard to believe it, not when his own parents do

"My own parents don't care, so why should you?" Namo asks looking directly at Wat who looks in shock at that information

"Of course I do!" Wat exclaims "You are important to me and I won't let you die!" he adds looking close to crying and Namo...he really wants to believe Wat now but even then it would already be too late

"As much as I want to believe you, it is already too late Wat" Namo says looking to his hands and Wat brings him to a hug

"Then, I will stay with you until you leave this world" Wat mumbles into Namo's hair who grabs Wat's shirt and cries into his shoulder

They stay like that until Namo stops crying and even then Wat doesn't completely let go of Namo in fear the other boy would disappear and not let him stay with him until his time had ended.

Soulmate PromptsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora