Manner Of Death- Mama, I'm In Love With A Criminal

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When you were born, you were born with a meter in some part of your body which would indicate how dangerous your soulmate is.

Sorn hadn't been different from any of the other kids.

Except that as he grew up, his soulmate's level of danger also did.

His parents didn't like that and Sorn had heard them talking about praying that Sorn would never meet his soulmate in fear of what would happen to him if he did.

It may be stupid but Sorn didn't fear his soulmate even with the high level of danger.

If asked why, he couldn't answer besides having the feeling that his soulmate would never hurt him unless he didn't know they were soulmates.

Of course that he never told his parents that, they probably think he was crazy or had found his soulmate and they were manipulating him.

It took until high school and a whole dangerous adventure for Sorn to meet and get to know his soulmate.

Of every meeting he ever imagined, he never thought that he would meet his soulmate because his best friend's boyfriend(he still wasn't sure if they had really been lovers or the guy was just interested in Nam) asked for his soulmate and some other guys to teach Sorn a lesson so he wouldn't approach Nam ever again(Sorn swore to never tell his parents about this first meeting and made Nam and That do the same).

He hadn't hated That, disliked him for what he did but never hated, so while he was surprised later(after everything ended) when he found out they were soulmates Sorn didn't dislike it.

During the time they had been looking for Nam and then when they had to hide to protect themselves, Sorn had gotten to know That and grew closer to him.

Sorn will even admit that he had a small crush on the other boy, who was just so cool and strong(besides being handsome) and knowing that such an amazing person was his soulmate made him feel proud.

Yes, That was dangerous but only for his enemies and those who hurt the ones he cares about(and Sorn is 100% in the group of people That cares about).

Sorn loved him and one day, when That was ready for more than friendship and loved himself too, he would tell his soulmate his feelings.

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