Love By Chance- Mark Me

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Goohin tried not to blush.

Feeling his eyes on him, eyes that looked like they were stripping him, made him feel shy but also happy.

Happy to finally be able to be with the one he loved.

With his soulmate.

Yes, he still couldn't believe that Tul Medatthan was his soulmate and that they were together now.

He had been in love with Tul since they first met so being able to be with him as more than a best friend and find out they are soulmates is like a dream come true.

It still confused him that with so many years of being friends, that they had never touched each other skin on skin until that day.

That day...

Goohin was in so much pain and tired of loving Tul but only being seen as a best friend so that day, more like night, he went to Tul's house and confessed.

He had expected to be rejected, Tul was married and had a kid, so he was about to leave after finally telling Tul his feelings when a hand grabbed his arm and made him turn towards Tul once more.

In just seconds Goohin felt soft lips touch his own and a hand cup his cheek, he was unable to stop his body from melting into the kiss.

They only separated once they felt the need to breathe and it was then that Tul saw Goohin's face and made a shocked sound.

At first Goohin thought that Tul was drunk and confused him for his wife but then Tul grabbed his hand and Goohin saw a mark form where Tul's hand had grabbed his.

They were soulmates and only realized it then.

After Tul divorced his now ex-wife and got shared custody of his son, Goohin moved in with him and Tin(it was a lot of work to get the two brothers to finally talk about everything but now they had a much better relationship).

It was the night after Tul proposed to him(six months after they found out about being soulmates and got together), that Tul admitted that he had also been in love with Goohin for a long time but never made a move since he knew his parents wouldn't accept their relationship unless they were soulmates so if they had found out about being soulmates much sooner none of them would have suffered so much.

Of course that they loved Phupha and couldn't imagine a life without their little boy so they were still happy that they found it out even if so late that they were soulmates.

And now here they are, having dinner with Tin, Can and the rest of the Medatthan family(he totally understood the annoyance and dislike Can felt at these family dinners, it felt like everything but a family dinner but they needed to come to them).

And Tul didn't take his eyes off Goohin.

Not like Goohin could blame him after how last night had gone.

Below Goohin's clothes, he is full of Tul's marks.

Tul hated when Goohin hid them but it was necessary to do it for the family dinner.

But Goohin already had a plan to appease his lover.

Once they were home, and made sure Phupha was sleeping, he would request his husband to mark him once more.

Because if there was something both enjoyed a lot since finding out they were soulmates, it was making sure the other had their marks in their bodies.

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