Between Us- Stop thinking

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His head was a mess most days.

It was hard to separate his soulmate's thoughts from his own but Tul couldn't find himself to hate it.

Every thought only made Tul look forward to being able to embrace his soulmate and calm their mind so they could take a rest from how chaotic it could be.

Of course that Tul's own mind and thoughts could be chaotic too especially with a too proud older brother like Metha and a perverted little brother like Pond but he still adored them.

His family was very diversified, all of them were completely different from each other but all of them held their pride in wanting the best for their soulmates.

So, when the guy Tul played with sometimes started saying things that matched Tul's soulmate thoughts he got curious about if the guy was his soulmate or not.

It took some time but finally two weeks after university started again, he got his online friend to accept to meet him in an ice cream shop that Tul and his brothers and Parkan loved to go to as kids.

Right now he was trying to keep his mind blank to see if he was actually also going to meet his soulmate or just his online friends but all the thoughts he got was from his soulmate cursing all the work he had to do, about his father not understanding that he wasn't like him and about not being late for something.

Tul really adored the mess that was his soulmate's thoughts.

God, Tul never thought someone could fall in love with someone by their thoughts but here he was.

"Excuse me" someone said and when Tul looked up he saw the most beautiful man he has ever seen

"Yes?" Tul said smiling

"Well...your shirt" the man says and Tul looks confused before he takes another look at what the other man is wearing to realize that said man is his online friend

"Oh! I'm Tul Pitakjiti" Tul says presenting himself "It's nice to finally meet you" he adds

"Same" the man says sitting in front of Tul "I'm Waan Wanichkanchanakul" he adds and Tul looks surprised

"Wanichkanchanakul? Are you one of Win's brothers?" Tul asks and Waan looks surprised

"Yes, do you know my younger brother?" Waan says curious

"We are both part of the swim club" Tul answers

"Ah, I didn't expect that you would be the same age as Win or be in the swim club too" Waan says and Tul knows he is embarrassed about revealing soamy things to him but mostly telling his problems to Tul who was still an young adult

"Stop thinking" Tul says suddenly

"What?" Waan says confused

"Oh, I love to hear your thoughts but you need to stop thinking for a bit and take a break from everything that is happening in your life" Tul says, continuing to be direct

"...You love my thoughts?" Waan mumbles confused until his brain finally understands what Tul is saying " are my soulmate?" Waan asks

"I'm sure you know all about how my little brother is a pervert and my older brother should tone down on his pride" Tul says and Waan shyly nods at that "I'm for saying this so directly but I have been wanting to tell you to just take a break and forget everything for a bit since while I love the mess that is your thoughts, I would love more to see you relaxed if we ever met" he adds

"...Thanks" Waan mumbles unsure of what he should do or say and Tul can't blame him for it

"If you want, we can just continue playing online together until you are ready to meet me as your soulmate" Tul offers but Waan is quick in shaking his head negatively

"N-no, that wouldn't be nice of me especially because I have also wanted to meet you for a long time" he says with a shy smile Tul grins at that

"Then let's get to know each other better!" Tul says and Waan smiles at that

Tul knows Win certainly won't be completely happy when he finds out that he is Waan's soulmate but he is also sure he will be very happy when he sees that Tul is able to get Waan to relax and enjoy things he always said no to because of the pressure their father put on him.

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