My Secret Love- I'm fine?

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He wished to kill Meka Akkarakul and his two friends, Atikorn Assawavanich and Komkrit.

Maybe even his own two best friends, Lee and Bomb, since they seemed happy to be partnered with Mek's friends.

Really, Kim didn't see why he and his friends had to be involved in this when the fault was on Mek and his stupid prank channel.

And now, here was Kim trying to walk home while having a sprained ankle because of that idiot dance they had to do.

God, maybe he should hate himself for starting the 'Say NO to Sotus' project but he really didn't see the logic for the Sotus when it ended with people hurt either physically or emotionally.

Kim was so distracted hating the world in his mind that he almost didn't notice Mek stopping his motorbike beside him.

"Hey, wait" Mek says and Kim makes a face at him "You want to go home together?" he offers

"Mind your business" Kim says not wanting Mek's pity

"You're injured, you don't have to keep acting like you're okay" Mek says looking at Kim trying to walk without making his ankle worse "Just hop in, you might stumble if you keep walking"

"Running into you is bad enough" Kim says glaring at the other boy

"Are you going to come with me or not?" Mek asks "Otherwise, I'll just go" he adds and gets ready to turn his motorbike on once again

"Where's the helmet?" Kim asks after a few seconds of thinking if he should accept Mek's offer and also cursing the whole world once again

"I thought so" Mek mumbles as he grabs something

"What did you just say?" Kim asks with a raised eyebrow

"Are you going to take this or not?" Mek asks, ignoring Kim's question, while offering the other helmet to Kim

Kim accepts the helmet but gives Mek a side-glare before putting the helmet on

"You are too slow" Mek comments

"My ankle hurts, remember?" is the only thing Kim says before getting on the motorbike

With that Mek turns the motorbike on and takes them to their homes, the whole ride both don't say any words.

Once they arrived Kim got down from the motorbike and started taking his helmet off, not noticing immediately that his ankle didn't hurt anymore.

"Thanks" Kim says after giving the helmet back to Mek

"It's fine" Mek says as he guards the helmet "To be honest, I didn't want to help you but I'm afraid you might not recover in time before the shooting and it will affect me too" he adds and Kim just glares at him since he tried being nice for thanking the other boy and then he says something like this

"Worry about yourself, will you?" Kim says and was about to go inside his home but he froze as he put the foot where he had gotten hurt down and didn't feel any pain

"What? Is something wrong?" Mek says thinking that it was strange that Kim froze like that

"I'm fine?" Kim says trying not to panic as realization hit him

"You are fine?" Mek asks confused before he looks Kim up and down before realizing that his hurt foot was completely in the ground and Kim didn't show any pain expression "Oh..." he mumbles as realization also hits him

Neither of them said anything, trying to digest that they had just found out that they were soulmates.

Yes, in this world soulmates existed and the only way to find them was if you were hurt and your soulmate and you touched since any type of touch with your soulmate would heal you.

"I..." Kim tries to say something but can't because while he always wanted to find his soulmate, he didn't expect the person he disliked the most at the moment to be that person

"Let's...let's talk about it later?" Mek is the one to say something "I don't think any of us is ready to talk about what we just found out" he adds and Kim nods at that

"Yeah..." Kim mumbles "See you tomorrow?" he adds before making his way inside home

"...Yeah, see you tomorrow" Mek says and with that Kim enter his home while thinking what he should expect from having Meka Akkarakul as his soulmate

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